
【酒店】李晓东工作室 | 宁波市郊九龙山涤尘谷 • 与自然一起生活

 德国室内设计网 2020-05-27




►This project islocated in a mountain rangecalled Dichen Valley, on the outskirts of port city Ningbo, located in EasternChina's Zhejiang Province.


►To be able to appreciate and respect thepristine site in Dichen Valley in its totality, we propose a series ofcarefully placed architectural interventions to create a route of pure anddistinct landscape experiences. The first finished building is a small projectthat houses the management offices, staff and workers required for the rest ofthe site's development and maintenance.

基于规划区域位于一个非常自然而幽美的环境中,一系列建筑基地的选址成为了首先要做且非常重要的决定。经过思考,我们放弃将功能平均分配在每一个点上的方案,取而代之的是,希望通过特别的布局,让参观者在不同点之间的游移过程成为一场环境之旅,能够体验自然变化的丰富性: 从山谷中出发,穿过湿地,再跨越过溪水到山下,然后再爬上山峰。每一个点所在的环境都有其特殊的气质与特色,而点跟点之间也有一定的串连及延续的关系。

►Instead of evenly distributing the functionalprogram on the site, we create a sequence of different worlds. The atmosphereof these realms relate to the specific qualities of the exact building site atany given location. In this way the visitor can travel through the project andfind a variety of worlds along its paths. Starting in the valley, through thewetlands, over the water, under the mountain and up the peaks.


►This first completed small building's site issituated between the valleys. With a length of 45m and a width of 25m, it is arectangular parcel running from northeast to southwest. The coordination andintegration of the building and the environment is a shared goal of the clientand the architects. It also a main objective of the project overall and we havechosen to locate the building in a relatively flat place on the valley slope,with the hope of avoiding a huge impact on the surrounding natural environment.But because the slope of the parcel was still too steep, after consideration wedivided the parcel into two plots with an elevation difference of 3m, creatingdifficulties for the spatial layout of the building.


►Secondly, Since ¼ of the site area is on thelower plot with ¾ of it on the upper one, and in order not to destroy theterrain too much, we have placed the administrative area and the main entrance,both of which require a relatively small area, on the lower plot. The livingrequiring significant space is on the upper plot and the two plots—andlevels—are connected by stairs. Such a layout not only follows the shape of theland, it also makes moving between the two plots a point of transitioning andshifting experience in the project.







编辑 /Kelly(北京) 版权 /李晓东工作室

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