
Overcome Suffering

 昵称70217165 2020-05-28

In the past few months, since the outbreak of COVID-19 started in Wuhan, various parts of the world have been affected to varying degrees.

It is universally acknowledged that COVID-19 is far more dangerous than SARS and it has been a severe worldwide disaster. The virus has killed quite a few citizens, which makes their family lose their beloved. It frightened the public, which undermines social stability. It has affected every aspect of our life, which leads to all kinds of injuries.Nevertheless, the virus also let us see how strong the united force in humanity can be.

Just as Helen Keller said, "Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming of it."In order to stop the epidemic as soon as possible, medical staff actively joined the medical team to Wuhan, and actively contributed themselves to going to the front line.They had to wear the mask all day, which left prints on their faces.They spent almost the whole day and night taking care of patients and spared no efforts to relax patients.Moreover, some of them even gave their life.They used the flesh and blood to fight the virus and raced against the death with time. In order to alleviate the pressure that hospitals are under in Wuhan, construction workers from all over China gathered in Wuhan and establish two hospitals, Vulcan Mountain and Thunder Mountain to create space for patients.Since the Spring Festival, every party cadres have been at the forefront of controlling virus, which is aimed at protecting the lives, health, and safety of individuals.The volunteers kept the smooth flow of vehicles and clean community, in order to ensure timely arrival of epidemic prevention materials and provide a relatively safe environment for residents to live. What's more, it's individuals at home and abroad who gave hands to offer masks and various necessities for us. There are still a lot of stories I don't mention. But everybody's working has been expressed evidently from achievement we have achieved.

Currently, in China, we have achieved in controlling the spread of virus. And it's time for us to give hands to any other country in trouble.Although the virus isolates our bodies, it cannot cut the connection between our hearts.Although the epidemic rags, we firmly believe that with such a group of the most beautiful retrograde people at the forefront, we will be able to defeat the virus in the range of the world finally.

This is a war without smoke, but we still keep in heart that one day our humankind will overcome it with our eternal struggle.

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