一、希望未来的路 不会那么难走. I hope the road ahead will not be so difficult. 二、自由散漫的凉风 能治愈乱糟糟的坏心情. A loose cool breeze can cure a messy bad mood. 三、愿世界风尘仆仆而我们不减少童真. May the world be dusty and we not reduce our innocence. 四、你三四月做的事情 六七月自有答案 What you did in March and April has its own answer in June and July. 五、不忙 你说 我在听 Not busy. You said I was listening 六、我会一直在你身边,你可以向我一次次确认. I will always be by your side, you can confirm to me again and again. 七、做一个清淡颜欢的女子,寂静于甜 Be a light and happy woman, silent and sweet 八、山川是不卷收的文章 日月为你掌灯伴读. Mountains and rivers are articles that are not rolled up. The sun and the moon are reading for you. 九、世间风物论自由 喜一生我有 共四海丰收. The world scenery theory is free and happy for a lifetime. I have a total of four seas harvest. 十、后来发现提升自己比迎合他人重要 Later found that improving yourself is more important than catering to others. 十一、拉上窗帘把房间变暗倒头就睡 醒来刚好日落夜色温柔 Close the curtains, darken the room, and wake up just in time for sunset and gentle night 十二、像晚风轻轻吹动月牙 你悄悄震动了我的心. Like the night wind blowing the crescent moon you quietly shook my heart. 十三、你要挺过去你要让所有糟糕变得值得 You have to get through this. You have to make all the bad things worth it. 十四、来是偶然去是必然尽其当然顺其自然 Come by chance or by necessity. Of course, let nature take its course 十五、生活也有难过和开心 梦也是,不亏待每一份热情 不讨好任何的冷漠没有理由让你不走,也没有理由让你回头. Life also has sad and happy dreams. There is no reason to treat every enthusiasm without any indifference. There is no reason for you not to leave, and there is no reason for you to turn back. 十六、遇见的都是天意,拥有的都是幸运 All you meet is providence, all you have is luck 十七、想活在云里雾里光影里,唯独不想活在现世里 I want to live in the clouds, fog and light, but I don't want to live in this world. 十八、可是这假意浪漫的万物中,只有你才是我所要描摹的真身。 But of all the fake romantic things, only you are the real body I want to describe. 十九、雷声是云朵打的呼噜,星星跟月亮都睡了,有人在天空照相用闪电做闪光灯。 Thunder is the snoring of clouds, the stars and the moon are asleep, and some people take pictures in the sky using lightning as flash. |