Patrick McCaw left the Warriors due to lack of minutes but if he had stayed he would have gotten a starting job and tons of minutes. 帕特里克-麦考因为上场时间不够离开勇士,倘若当时留队,现在会是首发。 If McCaw had decided to stay he would legit have been a starter in the playoffs after KD went down and this season he would have been a starter and probably the lead player for the Warriors. This dude would have gotten 35+ minutes. But I guess having 3 peat is alright too. 要是麦考当时留队,季后赛KD受伤后他就会打首发,这赛季也是首发,可能还会成为球队领袖。麦考本能出场35+分钟的。但拿到三连冠,也行吧。 [–]LakersJayymeister 2496 赞2 days ago He only plays on championship calliber teams 湖人球迷:麦考只为冠军球队而生 [–]HeatKniGht1st 547 赞2 days ago Lowkey bandwagoner. 热火球迷:你这湖人球迷真佛系 [–]RaptorsBeesPhD 134 赞2 days ago It's true. McCaw has showed us what a champion looks like. 猛龙球迷:这是真的。麦考跟我们展示了冠军的王霸之气。 [–]SupersonicsKickingHeadset 29 赞1 day ago Imagine being 24 years old making bank and winning a title every season lol. 超音速球迷:想象你才24,就赚的盆钵满盈,然后还年均一冠哈哈哈哈。 [–][GSW] Wilt Chamberlaintestbug0 20 赞1 day ago Coming back to this comment in 10 years when McCaw has 13 rings 勇士球迷:我是10年后穿越回来的,麦考刚13连冠 [–]SupersonicsMcJumbos 36 赞2 days ago McCaw + Lakers = 2020 Champions? 超音速球迷:麦考+湖人=2020总冠军? [–]RaptorsTheCleverBeaver 21 赞1 day ago Sorry he’s not on the table 猛龙球迷:不好意思,我龙不出 [–][LAL] Kurt RambisDudeWTH 305 赞2 days ago How would he know the whole team would get injured 湖人球迷:他咋能知道全队都会受伤 [–]Hellion3601 25 赞2 days ago This is what I thought, is he a clairvoyant? The guy left last year, when no one even knew Durant was going to leave or Klay would get injured. 我也觉啊,麦考难道是先知吗?一年前走之前,谁知道KD要离开或者汤神要伤啊。 [–]PatrickMcCaw 931 赞2 days ago Lack of minutes wasn't the reason why I left my former team. A lot goes on behind the scenes that most people don't know about. All n all, I'm happy to say I like where I'm at and the choices that I made. Lets go Raptors fans!! 2 more years 帕特里克麦考:上场时间不够不是我离开的原因。幕后还有很多不为人知的故事。总而言之吧,我很满意现状和之前作出的选择。一起冲啊猛龙球迷!!再来两年 [–]msdrahcir 292 赞2 days ago It would be awesome if you were the real McCaw. Averaging about one post a year 你要真是麦考就牛逼了。年均一贴 [–][CHI] Andres NocioniStevenColbert2016 193 赞1 day ago It’s still an admirably dedicated troll if it’s not him 公牛球迷:要这不是真麦考,装的也忒像了 [–]masterpierround 174 赞1 day ago TBH he kinda types like the real Patrick McCaw and he comments so infrequently and benignly... 说真的,这段话和真人麦考太像了,他不怎么发表评论,还是个好好先生 This account is either the most confusing troll account in history or the real thing lol. 这要不是真麦考,就是有史第一机器人 [–]NBAleyoxi 52 赞1 day ago averaging about one ring a year too 年均一戒指 [–][TOR] Pascal SiakamIThinkItMovedJerry 516 赞2 days ago McCaw is injured right now, but he'll be in the rotation once he's healthy. The organization really likes him. 猛龙球迷:麦考现在受伤了,但一旦康复就会进入轮转。我龙很喜欢他。 [–][LAL] LeBron JamesLe-Brow 174 赞2 days ago Also I think it was more than just minutes 湖人球迷:我也觉得不仅仅是上场时间这么简单 [–]RaptorsKizz3r 100 赞2 days ago Yea he came for our development too, and Nurse really likes him so he will see minutes when he is finally healthy (which unfortunately has been rare with us). 猛龙球迷:是啊,他来我们这是想在我龙体系下发展,纳斯很喜欢他,所以他康复后上场时间会有保证(运气不佳,一直伤病连连) [–]WarriorsYamulo 135 赞2 days ago Our shitty development team that only developed Steph, Klay, and Draymond Green :( 勇士球迷:我勇垃圾培养体系,只出了库里汤神和追梦:( [–]RaptorsCreepyLibrary 182 赞2 days ago Who? 猛龙球迷:这些谁啊? [–]LakersTimeAll 255 赞2 days ago Broken ankles, an Easter Island head, and the donkey from Shrek 湖人球迷:脚踝不好使那个,复活节岛石像那个,还有怪物史莱克里那个 [–]Canadaeugene_murphy_jr 78 赞2 days ago McCaw hasn't looked great in Toronto this year, though he's injured right now. Can't see how he'd be a starter 麦考今年在猛龙看起来状态不佳,虽然他现在还处于伤缺状态。我不觉得他会成首发。 [–]WarriorsRimRunningRagged 59 赞2 days ago Considering Jordan Poole has started some games this season due to how thin the guard spot has become (and he should really be in the G-League this season), McCaw definitely would have gotten some starts. 勇士球迷:考虑到我勇今年后卫线人手紧缺,连乔丹-普尔都能打几场首发(这赛季本应打发展联盟的),麦考首发没得商量。 [–]RaptorsKonfliction 25 赞2 days ago To be fair he'd getting a starting spot too on our team right now lol 猛龙球迷:说实话,他在现在的我龙也能首发哈哈哈