学英语,点这里!! 来自早安英文 00:00 10:34 Lard is also very common in North America; it gives a special flavor to a dish. 猪油在北美也很常见,它给一道菜带来一种特殊的味道。
Hard fats such as lard and butter are not good as they are high in saturated fats. 像猪油和黄油这样的硬脂肪是不好的,因为它们富含饱和脂肪。
Be careful to distinguish between refined oilve oil and virgin olive oil when cooking western dishes.Refined olive oil is commonly used in frying food and virgin olive oil as salad dressing. 烹调西餐时要小心区分精制油和初榨橄榄油。精制橄榄油通常用于油炸食品,初榨橄榄油用作沙拉酱。
- Sunflower oil is a very common vegetable oil you can find in supermarkets abroad, compared to rapeseed and peanut oil.与菜籽油和花生油相比,葵花油是一种很常见的植物油,你可以在国外的超市买到。
- Both seasonings and condiments may refer to salt,sugar and pepper, but seasonings are added in pre-cooking and condiments are in after-cooking, especially after the food is served on the table.调味料和调味料都可以指盐、糖和胡椒,但调味料是在烹饪还未完成前加的,而调味料是在烹饪完后添加的, 尤其是指的当食物端上桌后。
- Chinese food will add a lot of seasonings, not condiments.中餐会加很多调料(炒菜时加的),而不是调味品(食物完成后加的)。
- Light soy sauce tastes less salty and is usually used for dipping
Dark soy sauce is thicker, darker, and slightly sweeter than regular or light soy sauce. Like regular soy sauce, it is used to flavor dishes, but more importantly, it's used to darken the color of sauces, fried rice, noodles, etc. 老抽比普通酱油或生抽更稠,颜色更深,而且略甜。和普通酱油一样,它被用来调味菜肴,但更重要的是,它被用来加深酱汁、炒饭、面条等的颜色。
vinegar 醋 cooking vine 料酒 - When you buy a sausage from a food truck,the vendor will ask you what sauce you want, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard or barbeque sauce.当你从餐车上买香肠时,小贩会问你要什么酱料,番茄酱,蛋黄酱,芥末酱还是烧烤酱。
- Paprika goes so well with just about any savory food, including eggs, meat, stew and so on.红辣椒可以和任何美味的食物搭配,包括鸡蛋、肉、炖菜等等。
- Though garlic powder and onion powder are so convenient,but I still prefer fresh onions and garlic cloves.虽然大蒜粉和洋葱粉很方便,但我还是喜欢新鲜的洋葱和蒜瓣。
- The Cinnamon Spice Mocha in Starbucks has a heart-warming flavor.
- The full name of MSG is monosodium glutamate. But this is the name in chemistry. In daily life, we just call it MSG.味精的全称是monosodium glutamate。但这是化学中的名字。在日常生活中,我们就叫MSG。