1.选中区域导出为图片Sub 导出为图片() Dim f$ f = "D\DRdlb.JPG" If Dir(f) <> "" Then Kill f Sheets("sheet1").Select Range("A1:Q87").Select Selection.Copy Selection.CopyPicture '选区复制为图片 With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, Selection.Width, Selection.Height).Chart '通过在当前工作表添加相同大小的图表的方式转存成图片 .Parent.Select .Paste '粘贴复制后的图片 .Export "D:\DRdlb.JPG", "JPG" '导出到当前工作表目录下,以当前区域首行单元格的值命名图片 .Parent.Delete '删除该图表 End With End Sub 2.导出为图片到文件夹Sub 保存图片() Dim ad$, m&, mc$, shp As Shape Dim nm$, n&, myFolder$ Sheet1.Activate n = 0 myFolder = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\图片\" '指定文件夹名称 For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes If shp.Type = 13 Then If Len(Dir(myFolder, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then MkDir myFolder End If n = n + 1 'ad = shp.TopLeftCell.Address m = shp.TopLeftCell.Row mc = Replace(Cells(m, 1).Address, "$", "") nm = Format(n, "00") & "-" & mc & ".jpg" '图形对象的名字 shp.CopyPicture '将图形对象复制到剪切板 With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, shp.Width, shp.Height).Chart '在工作表中添加一个图表对象 .Parent.Select .Paste '代码将剪切板中的图形对象以图片的格式粘贴到新添加的图表中 .Export myFolder & nm, "JPG" .Parent.Delete '删除工作表中添加的图表对象 End With 'Range(ad) = nm End If Next MsgBox "完成" End Sub |