

 一格空间设计 2020-07-13


The gentle wind blows away the mist and uneasiness,


The children of Edinburgh kindergarten are the little masters in the castle of nature.


They found their way from one small forest to another,


I was fascinated by a thousand little secrets in the mountain stream and the waves.


Water has the law of flowing water, and plants have the law of plants,


Nature is constantly changing, and its pulse is strong and powerful.


In the body of the earth, the feelers of perception stretch out fearlessly.


The castle of nature is the home of children,


Explore the mystery of the unknown and feel the initial beauty of life~


Revelry, jumping, surprise, moving




The first time I saw the garden, I saw a three-story building in full English style. The façade was light yellow with elegant style. The windows were large and floor-to-ceiling, so as to get as much warmth and happiness as possible from the sunshine. Design comes from life and is made great by imagination. How to make "Castle" SMART, and natural integration, let the children happy and free breathing, discovery, moving, which everything, we need to show one by one.


Since it is "Nature Castle" , the fantastic color of macaron is the most appropriate, as much as possible to give children some of the natural environment modeling and plants, increase children's interest in nature.


Sports, has a unique charm and fun, the entrance outdoor field as a playground area, is where children exercise, running, physical exercise, large-scale use of the main color macaron will better stimulate the imagination of young children, adding smooth lines on the playground with a sense of rhythm is more in line with its characteristics. The Setting Sun afterglow, the children laugh and run like, is the best interpretation of life rhythm.


Adults often envy children's natural breath, but do not know how to protect their natural appearance. South to the outdoor site planning out of the planting area, the game area, sand and water areas, the vast expanse of the world need them to feel and touch and find. We crouch down to see the world from a child's height, and once again have the perspective and happiness of childhood.


Do you also dream of a sky garden of your own, for children, the sky is free, boundless, comfortable, comfortable, let them closer to the sky, listen to the voice of the wind, feel the change of the clouds, see the beautiful rainbow, open as a bird, free.




Green on the human body has a good regulatory role, noise absorption, interior design mainly green, the children fully feel the natural environment at the same time, regulate sentiment, ease the mood. Choose environmentally friendly non-polluting materials, use more natural colors such as white, warm yellow and other log-colored wood materials, both environmentally friendly and durable.


The children's world is a fantasy, they are the little master here, can define everything here. Through the collision of light, color, graphic elements, resulting in colorful crystal fun and illusion, open each door can lead to a completely unknown world.




The multi-function hall is the most radiant stage in the whole "Nature Castle" . Fairies of the forest, let us sing a wonderful song! The bees buzz, the kittens meow, the ducks quack, the elk, the raccoons, play and sing a happy forest waltz, and let every happy note, every moving rhythm, fly through the woods, fields, and meadows, into the dreams of every child.



Kindergarten classroom is the living room of children's learning life, the design of the use of clouds, valleys, wooden houses and other elements, showing a tranquil, natural, childlike state. The "Nature Castle" grows higher and higher until it reaches the clouds, which are close to the stars and the Moon. The Sky is as vast as an ocean of knowledge. Enjoy growing up, filled with infinite wisdom and love.




In the fairy tale, the design of the pointy roof is mixed with the color full of childlike charm and fantasy, which not only brings the children more sense of security and awareness, but also gives them more fun and imagination, i didn't know poop was so much fun and Games.



The Art Room, the Science Discovery Room and the picture book room are put together without any obstacles. Children can freely shuttle in according to their own preferences, as nature brings the sense of inclusiveness and freedom, large dome design, as if in a natural planet, so that children have more space to play, imagination, creativity.


每一间格子都藏着童年的美丽绮梦,孩子迫不及待的目光,捧着闪闪发光的绘本,像打开不同的潘多拉魔盒,带给他们惊喜与快乐。寻找最舒服的栖息地,到自己的世界中遨游,探索。 在房屋顶部采用吸音板的设计,减少噪音,最大限度的为孩子创造出一个静谧的阅读世界。

Each one held a childhood dream, a child's eager eyes, holding a glittering picture book, like opening a different Pandora box, to bring them surprise and joy. Find the most comfortable habitat, travel to their own world, explore. The roof of the house is designed with sound-absorbing panels to reduce noise and maximize a quiet reading world for children.




Like a fairy tale castle in the attic, here is both mysterious and fun, as if with the sky next door, birds and clouds will come to visit the home, friends on the slide through, fly, like every fairy tale in the little hero, will finally find their own share of the most precious treasure.



Bright Smile, caring eyes, small touch, let the child feel the teacher's deep love, grow together with the child, with a happy and good mood, start the day of good life.


A soft rain makes the grass greener. So does our outlook,


When a better thought is put into it, it lights up.

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