
BONEYM(波尼姆)乐队:(19)七八十年代著名的西德演唱组,成员来自西印度群岛、牙买加等;制作人是弗朗可·菲林;代表作 《巴比伦河》River Of Babylon,讲述的是公元前586

 昵称散步收藏 2020-07-21

前西德的波尼M (Boney M)演唱组是(19)七八十年代十分受人瞩目的一个演唱组,乐队成员来自四面八方,有的来自西印度群岛,有的来自牙买加。制作人是弗朗可·菲林(Frank Fariam)。


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  1、By the River of Babylon there we sat down=We satdown there by the river of Babylon.我们坐在巴比伦河岸边。 by the river of……在……河旁边。 Babylon巴比伦(古代巴比伦王国的首都)
  2、Yeah we wept when we remembered Zion.= Yeah wewept when we thought of our homeland.耶,我们哭泣又悲伤,当我们想起了家乡。  weep(不及物动词)意为:哭泣,流泪。英文单词“Zion”,其含义是锡安山(在耶路撒冷)、天堂、天国、基督教,象征意为:犹太人的家乡、理想之城、乌托邦。因此,从歌词的历史含义上译为“家乡”更为合适,表示哭泣的词有weep,cry,sob,但它们分别表示不同的概念。weep—流着眼泪哭泣。cry—出声哭泣。sob—抽泣。

  3、For there they that carried us away in captivity,requiring of us a song.= For there they who carriedus away by force and also forced us to sing a song. 是凶狠的敌人把我们虏掠到这里,还强迫我们把歌唱。  

    in captivity 被监禁,束缚
  例如:Many animals breed better when they are freethan they do when in captivity.许多动物不圈要比圈起来的好饲养。
  例如:These children will require looking aftercarefully.这些孩子需要悉心照料。
  4、Sing the Lord's song 唱圣歌
  5、Let the words of our hearts and meditations of ourhearts be acceptable in thy sight here tonight.= Letour words and our deep thought from the bottom ofour hearts be known by you.让我们的心里话儿和期望在今夜向你倾叙。

  歌曲《巴比伦河》的演唱者是前联邦德国的Bonym 波尼姆。波尼姆 (Boney M)演唱组是七八十年代十分受人瞩目的一个演唱组,乐队成员来自四面八方,有的来自西印度群岛,有的来自牙买加。这首歌引领了1970年代末中国青年一代的“时尚旋风”,启蒙了那个时代的“喇叭裤舞会文化”。大约在1979年10月3日,《巴比伦河》的原唱组合BONEYM在上海大剧院举办演唱会。

The River of Babylon
by the rivers of babylon. there we sat down yeah we wept. when we remembered zion.
by the rivers of babylon.there we sat down yeah we wept.when we remembered zion.
for there they that carried us away in captivity.requiring of us a song.
now how shall we sing the lord’s song.in a strange land.
for there they that.carried us away in captivity.requiring of us a song
now how shall we sing.the lord’s song in a stranger land.let the words of our mouths.
and the meditathons of our hearts.be acceptable in the sight here tonight.
let the words of our mouths.and the meditathons of our hearts.be acceptable in the sight here tonight.
by the rivers of babylon.there we sat down yeah we wept.when we remembered zion.
by the rivers of babylon.there we sat down. yeah we wept.when we remembered zion
ah…ah ah… ah.
by the rivers of babylon.there we sat down yeah we wept.when we remembered zion.
by the rivers of babylon.there we sat down yeah we wept    


Boney MBoney M 不仅是一支在上个世纪七、八十年代风靡一时的迪斯科乐队,还是整个迪斯科时代的一个传奇。是制作人弗朗克.菲林最初在德国创办了Boney M, 这支乐队就在1970年代末1980年代初就雄踞欧洲音乐排行榜之首,它的一系列具有独特的迪斯科名曲至今仍脍炙人口。Boney M 第一首歌出现于1974年12月,是制作人他以假名"Boney M"创作了歌曲"Baby Do You Wanna Bump"波尼是一部电视连续剧中的英雄。这首歌曲最初只在夜总会获得成功,每周唱片销量约500张。1975年底:荷兰电视台和 Discos 公司希望 Boney M 能够出现在舞台上,于是找来了4名黑人女歌手和一名男歌手与Boney M合作,这是 Boney M 演唱组的雏形。演唱组成员不断更换,来了灵魂莉兹·麦考尔,她演唱了绝大多熟的歌曲。莉兹出生于牙买加,上个世纪60年代末来到了德国。在听取了住在汉堡的制作人马奇拉·巴莱特的建议之后她加入了Boney M演唱组。制作人弗朗克.菲林后来说:"就算换掉演唱组中所有的成员都不会对演唱组造成伤害,但只有莉兹除外。"而莉兹首唱的歌中最著名的就是《巴比伦河》,而《爸爸真酷》、《阳光灿烂》等也是她的原唱。 Live-Daddy Cool 1976Boney M 在德国的第一次亮相是在1976年的一台最重要、最著名的电视表演秀"Musikladen"中演唱了歌曲《爸爸真酷》。自那以后,Boney M 的周单曲销量高达十万张。录有这首歌的专辑《Take the Heat Off me》也随之火爆。1976年7月,Boney M的《爸爸真酷》在德国歌曲排行榜上名列第一,并于1976年的12月在英国取得前10名的好成绩。同年单曲《阳光灿烂》在德国也获得了巨大的成功。在1976年12月获得德国排行第一,1977年3月在英国也获得了第一的好成绩。然而1977年10月歌曲"贝尔法斯特"获得了前10名。1978年,Boney M 演唱的《巴比伦河》和《戴戒指的褐发女孩》的演唱在欧洲乐坛引起巨大轰动,单曲销量创下了英国唱片史上的记录。随后两三年,他们的许多歌在世界各个排行榜占有一席之地。 对于中国观众而言,Boney M 歌曲的流传有意无意地代表快乐的都市青年人从封闭走向开放的一个时代,当年没有迪厅,忍不住快乐欲望年轻人就在自己家里,悄悄地随着"板儿砖"录音机或者双喇叭录音机里播放的《巴比伦河》和《爸爸真酷》等歌曲的旋律快乐起舞,由此带来了"黑灯舞会"的说法,甚至成为当时被批判的"精神污染"。然而,这股迪斯科旋风却越刮越猛烈,也带动了一股青年时尚潮流,"迪斯科舞会"逐步从地下转为公开,迪斯科这个名词也从那个时候延续至今。但是,当年的文艺舞台远远没有今天繁荣,而 Boney M 也没有机会在他们当红的时候来到中国,这对于当年那些迷恋迪斯科的年轻人来说,多少是一个不小的遗憾 。


"Take the Heat Off Me" (1976): Marcella Bella - "Nessuno mai" (1974) (Gilla - "Mir ist kein Weg zu weit" (1975))

"Sunny" (1976): Bobby Hebb - "Sunny" (1966)

"No Woman No Cry" (1976): Bob Marley & The Wailers - "No Woman, No Cry" (1974)

"Fever" (1976): Little Willie John - "Fever" (1956)

"Got a Man on My Mind" (1976): Frank Farian - "Am Samstagabend" (1976)

"Lovin' or Leavin'" (1976): Gilla - "Lieben und frei sein" (1975)

"Love for Sale" (1977): Libby Holman - "Love for Sale" (1945)

"Have You Ever Seen the Rain" (1977): Creedence Clearwater Revival - "Have You Ever Seen the Rain?" (1970)

"A Woman Can Change a Man" (1977): Frank Farian and also Gilla - "Laß mir Zeit, Dich zu lieben" (1975)

"Still I'm Sad" (1977): The Yardbirds - "Still I'm Sad" (1965)

"Painter Man" (1978): The Creation - "Painter Man" (1966)

"King of the Road" (1978): Roger Miller - "King of the Road" (1965)

"Rivers of Babylon" (1978): The Melodians - "Rivers of Babylon" (1970)

"Heart of Gold" (1978): Neil Young - "Heart of Gold" (1972)

"Mary's Boy Child" (1978): Harry Belafonte - "Mary's Boy Child" (1956)

"Gotta Go Home" (1979): Nighttrain - "Hallo Bimmelbahn" (1973)

"Hold On I'm Coming" (1979): Sam & Dave - "Hold On, I'm Comin'" (1966)

"Two of Us" (1979): The Beatles - "Two of Us" (1969)

"My Friend Jack" (1980): The Smoke - "My Friend Jack" (1967)

"Gadda-Da-Vida" (1980): Iron Butterfly - "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" (1968)

"Felicidad (Margherita)" (1980): Massara - "Margherita" (1979)

"That's Boonoonoonoos / Train to Skaville" (1981): The Ethiopians - "Train to Skaville" (1967)

"I Shall Sing" (1981): Art Garfunkel - "I Shall Sing" (1973)

"Ride to Agadir" (1981): Mike Batt - "The Ride to Agadir" (1977)

"Malaika" (1981): Miriam Makeba & Harry Belafonte - "Malaika" (1965)

"Sad Movies" (1981): Sue Thompson - "Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)" (1961)

"Feliz Navidad" (1981): José Feliciano - "Feliz Navidad" (1970)

"The Carnival Is Over" (1982): The Seekers - "The Carnival Is Over" (1965)

"Going Back West" (1982): Jimmy Cliff - "Going Back West" (1974)

"Jambo - Hakuna Matata (No Problems)" (1983): Them Mushrooms - "Jambo Bwana" (1982)

"(I Need a) Babysitter" (1983): Mahjun - "Baby-sitter" (1980)

"Dizzy" (1984): Tommy Roe - "Dizzy" (1969)

"Kalimba de Luna" (1984): Tony Esposito - "Kalimba de Luna" (1984)

"Happy Song" (1984): Baby's Gang - "Happy Song" (1983)

"My Chérie Amour" (1985): Stevie Wonder - "My Cherie Amour" (1969)

"Dreadlock Holiday" (1985): 10cc - "Dreadlock Holiday" (1978)

"Stories" (1990): Izit - "Stories" (1989)

"Time to Remember" (1993): La Mama - "I'll Be Your Woman" (1982)

"Papa Chico" (1993): Tony Esposito - "Papa Chico" (1985)


"Baby Do You Wanna Bump" (1975)

"Daddy Cool" (1976)

"Sunny" (1976)

"Ma Baker" (1977)

"Belfast" (1977)

"Rivers of Babylon" / "Brown Girl in the Ring" double A-side single (1978)

"Rasputin" (1978)

"Mary's Boy Child / Oh My Lord" (1978)

"Painter Man" (UK only, 1979)

"Hooray! Hooray! It's a Holi-Holiday" (1979)

"El Lute" / "Gotta Go Home" double A-side single (1979)

"I'm Born Again" / "Bahama Mama" double A-side single (1979)

"I See a Boat on the River" / "My Friend Jack" double A-side single (1980)

"Children of Paradise" / "Gadda-Da-Vida" double A-side single (1980)

"Felicidad (Margherita)" (1980)

"Malaika" / "Consuela Biaz" double A-side single (1981)

"We Kill the World (Don't Kill the World)" / "Boonoonoonoos" double A-side single (1981)

"Little Drummer Boy" / "6 Years of Boney M. Hits (Boney M. on 45)" double A-side single (1981)

"The Carnival Is Over" / "Going Back West" double A-side single (1982)

"Zion's Daughter" (1982)

"Jambo - Hakuna Matata (No Problems)" (1983)

"Somewhere in the World" (1984)

"Kalimba de Luna" (1984)

"Happy Song" - Boney M. and Bobby Farrell with the School Rebels (1984)

"My Chérie Amour" (1985)

"Young, Free and Single" - Boney M. featuring Bobby Farrell (1985)

"Daddy Cool (Anniversary Recording '86)" (1986)

"Bang Bang Lulu" (1986)

"Rivers of Babylon (Remix '88)" / "Mary's Boy Child / Oh My Lord (Remix '88)" - Boney M. Reunion '88 double A-side single (1988)

"Megamix" (1988)

"The Summer Mega Mix" (1989)

"Malaika (Lambada Remix)" (1989)

"Everybody Wants to Dance Like Josephine Baker" (1989, withdrawn)

"Stories" (1990)

"Christmas Mega Mix" (1992)

"Megamix" (1992)

"Brown Girl in the Ring (Remix '93)" (1993)

"Ma Baker (Remix '93)" (1993)

"Papa Chico" - Boney M. feat. Liz Mitchell (1994)

"Somebody Scream - Ma Baker" - Boney M. vs. Horny United/Sash! (1999)

"Daddy Cool '99" - Boney M. 2000 feat. Mobi T. (1999)

"Hooray! Hooray! (Caribbean Night Fever)" - Boney M. 2000 (1999)

"Sunny (Remix)" - Boney M. 2000 (2000)

"Daddy Cool 2001" (2001)

"Sunny (Mousse T. Remix)" (2006)

"Felicidad America (Obama-Obama)" - Boney M. feat. Sherita O. & Yulee B. (2009)


Take the Heat Off Me (1976)


Love for Sale (1977)

Nightflight to Venus (1978)

Oceans of Fantasy (1979)

Boonoonoonoos (1981)

Christmas Album (1981)

Ten Thousand Lightyears (1984)

Eye Dance (1985) - Boney M. featuring Bobby Farrell。

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