It is also expected that those top students would have fewer disctractions and so better concentrate on their studies. 【翻译】人们也认为,那些优秀的学生分心事儿少,因此能更好地集中精力学习。 so 表示“因此”之意,用作连词或副词均可,都是正式文体用法。本句的so 是副词用法,因为前面有了并列连词and。 例如: 他迟到了,因此老师批评了他。 He was late, so the teacher criticized him. (so 是连词) He was late, and so the teacher criticized him. (and 是连词,so 变成副词) 网友的例句跟下面的句子相似,都是在and so 之后,承前省略了主语: I am not an emotional type and so cannot bring myself to tell him I love him. 我不是情感外露的人,因此难以开口对他说我爱他。 (来自柯林斯词典) |