

 外语行天下 2020-07-22

15 divided by 3 equals 5. 15除以3等于5。

A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 手艺差的工人总是抱怨工具不好使。

A barking dog doesn't bite! 吠犬不咬人。

A clear conscience laughs at false accusation.只要问心无愧,无端的指责可以一笑置之。

A lost chance never returns. 错过的机会永不再来。

A lovely day,isn't it? 好天气,是吗?

A red tie will match that suit. 红领带会配那件衣服。

A wet road is usually slippery. 潮湿的路往往是滑的。

After a pause he continued his story. 停顿一下之后他继续说他的。

After you. 您先。

All at once, a rabbit came out of a hole.突然,一只兔子从一个洞中跑了出来。

All characters in the book are imaginary.书中所有的人物都是虚构的。

All for one, one for all. 我为人人,人人为我。

All that glitters is not gold. 发闪光的不全是黄金。

Allow me. 让我来。

Another cat came to my house. 又有一只猫来到我家了。

Any day will do. 哪一天都行。

Any messages for me? 有我的留言吗?

Any thing else? 还要别的吗?

Are you free this Saturday? 你这个星期六有空吗?

Are you going to have a party? 你要举行聚会吗?

Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧!

Are you sure? 你肯定吗?

Are your grandparents still living? 你的祖父母还在么?

Aren't you concerned about it? 难道你不担心吗?

As a matter of fact, he was pretending to be ill.实际上,他是在装病。

As soon as possible! 越快越好!

As you know, I am a very kind person. 你知道,我是个很和善的人。

Be careful not to fall ill. 注意不要生病了。

Be careful! 注意!

Be quiet! 安静点!

Being a mother is not easy. 做一个母亲是不容易的。

Being criticized is awful! 被人批评真是痛苦!

Believe it or not! 信不信由你!

Betty and Susan are talking on the telephone.贝蒂和苏珊正在通电话。

Beyond all questions you are right. 毫无疑问,你是对的。

Bless you! 祝福你!

Bob has always had a crush on Lucy. 鲍伯一直在爱着露茜。

Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!

Brevity is the soul of wit. 简洁是智慧的精华。

But I plan to weed the yard today. 我计划今天除院子里的草。

But who will do all the house work? 但是这些家务活谁来做呢?

Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?

Can you adapt yourself to the new job? 你能适应新的工作吗?

Can you recognize that woman,Mary? 你能认出那个女人是谁了吗,玛丽?

Cancer is a deadly disease. 癌症是一种致命的疾病。

Check your answers with mine. 把你的答案跟我的核对一下。

Cheer up! 振作起来!

Close the door after you,please. 请随手关门。

Clothes make the man. 人要衣装。

Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。

Come on. 来吧(赶快)

Come to see me whenever you like。 你可以随时来见我。

Computers are becoming a part of our everyday life.电子计算机正渐渐成为我们日常生活的一部分。

Congratulations! 祝贺你!

Control yourself! 克制一下!

Could I have those two tickets, please? 这两张票给我行不行?

Could you direct me to the station, please?请问到车站怎么走?

Could you tell me where I can wash my hands?请问洗手间怎么走?

Count me on 算上我。

Did you enter the contest? 你参加比赛了吗?

Did you fight with others? 你又和别人打架了吗?

Did you miss the bus? 你错过公共汽车了?

Do l have to 非做不可吗?

Do me a favor? 帮个忙,好吗?

Do you accept credit cards? 你们收信用卡吗?

Do you feel like going to that new disco? 你想去那个新开的迪厅

Do you have any plans for the long weekend?你有办法打发这个漫长的周末吗?

Do you have any suggestions for me? 你对我有什么建议么?

Does she like ice-cream? 她喜欢吃冰淇淋吗?

Does the computer ever make a mistake? 计算机出错吗?

Don't be so childish. 别这么孩子气。

Don't be so modest. 别谦虚了。

Don't be uneasy about the consequence. 不必为后果忧虑不安。

Don't count on me.别指望我。

Don't cry over spilt milk. 不要做无益的后悔。

Don't dream away your time. 不要虚度光阴。

Don't fall for it! 别上当!

Don't forget to keep in touch. 别忘了保持联系。

Don't give me that! 少来这套!

Don't keep me waiting long. 不要让我等得太久。

Don't keep the truth from me. 别瞒着我事实真相。

Don't let chances pass by. 不要让机遇从我们身边溜走。

Don't let me down. 别让我失望。

Don't let this get you down. 不要为此灰心丧气。

Don't lose your head。 不要惊慌失措。

Don't move! 不许动!

Don't pull the chairs about,boys! 不要把椅子拖来拖去,孩子们!

Don't trust to chance! 不要碰运气。

Don't worry. 别担心。

Draw your chair up to the table. 把你的椅子拉到桌子旁边来。

Ducks know how to swim when they are born.鸭子天生会游泳

East, west, home is best. 金窝,银窝,不如自己的草窝。

Easy come easy go. 来得容易,去得快。

Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心!

Even a child can answer this question. 即使小孩儿都能回答这个问题。

Every man is fool sometimes, but none at all times.每个人都有愚蠢的时候,但是没有一个人永远愚蠢。

Everything has its beginning. 凡事都有开端。

Example is better than precept。 身教胜于言传。

Excuse me,Sir. 先生,对不起。

Fasten your seat belt. 系好你的安全带。

Feel better? 好点了吗?

First come first served. 先到先得。

Follow me. 跟我来。

Forget it! 休想! (算了!)

Give me a hand! 帮帮我!

Go right back to the beginning. 直接回到起始位置。

God helps those who he1p themselves. 上帝帮助那些自己帮自己的人。

Good job! 做得好!

Good luck! 祝好运!

Great efforts ensure the success of our work.巨大的努力确保了我们工作的成功。

Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。

Growth, however, brings new problems and concerns.不过,发展也带来了新的问题和顾虑。

Guess what? 猜猜看?

Have fun! 玩得开心!

Have you cleared your luggage with customs ?你的行李通关了吗?

He always talks big. 他总是吹牛。

He appears to be your friend but I doubt if he is.他看上去像是你的朋友,但我怀疑他是否是真心的。

He bothered me with a great many questions.他对我提了一大堆问题,真烦!

He broke his words once again. 他又一次违背了诺言。

He came by train. 他乘火车来。

He came to the point at once. 他一下子就说到了点子上。

He can hardly speak. 他几乎说不出话来。

He can't take a joke. 他开不得玩笑。

He covered himself with a quilt. 他给自己盖上一条被。

He dare not tell us his evil conduct. 他不敢告诉我们他的恶行。

He decided to bring a suit against his boss.他决定起诉他的老板。

He devoted his life to the study of science.他把毕生献给科学研究。

He does everything without aim. 他做事都漫无目标。

He does exercises every day in the morning.他每天早上锻练身体。

He doesn't care about me. 他并不在乎我。

He dreamed of traveling to remote South Sea Islands.他曾梦想到遥远的南海诸岛去旅游。

He drives more carefully than you. 他开车比你小心。

He fell behind with his work. 他工作落后了。

He found my lecture interesting. 他觉得我讲课有趣。

He glared at Bill, ready to teach him a lesson.他怒视着比尔,准备教训他一顿。

He grasped both my hands. 他紧握住我的双手。

He had a good many friends here. 他在这儿有很多朋友。

He had to choose between death and dishonor.他不得不在死亡和耻辱之间选择。

He has a large income. 他有很高的收入。

He has a nice sum of money put away. 他存了一大笔钱。

He has a remarkable memory. 他有惊人的记忆力。

He has a sense of humor. 他有幽默感。

He has been sick for three weeks. 他已经病了几周了。

He has completed the task. 他完成了这个任务。

He has many strange ideas in his mind. 他脑子里尽足奇思怪想。

He has quite a few friends. 他有不少的朋友。

He has tasted the sweets and bitters of life.他已尝遍了人生的甜酸苦辣。

He has to take care of his sick mother. 他得照顾他生病的母亲。

He hired a workman to repair the fence. 他雇用了一个工人修理围墙。

He inspected the car for defects. 他详细检查车子有无效障。

He invited me to dinner yesterday. 他昨天请我吃晚饭了。

He is a smart boy. 他是个小机灵鬼。

He is acting an old man. 他正扮演一个老人。

He is capable of any crime. 他什么样的坏事都能干得出来。

He is collecting money. 他在筹集资金。

He is commonly supposed to be foolish. 他是公认的傻瓜。

He is heavily insured against death. 他给自己投了巨额的人身保险。

He is ill in bed. 他卧病在床。

He is in his everyday clothes. 他穿着平常的衣服。

He is just a child. 他只是个孩子。

He is looking for a job. 他正在找工作。

He is my age. 他和我同岁。

He is only about five feet high. 他大概只有五英尺高。

He is physically mature. 他身体己发育成熟。

He is respectful to his elders. 他对长辈很恭敬。

He is taller than I by ahead. 他比我高一头。

He is the happiest man alive. 他是世界上最快乐的人。

He is tough,but I am even tougher. 他是一个硬汉子,不过我要比他更硬。

He knows English better than I. 他比我懂英语。

He lacks courage. 他缺乏勇气。

He led them down the mountain. 他带他们下山。

He looks very healthy. 他看来很健康。

He made his way through the forest. 他设法穿过了森林。

He neither smokes nor drinks. 他既不抽烟也不喝酒。

He never misses a chance to see a movie. 他从不错过看电影的机会。

He owes my uncle $100.他欠我叔叔100美元。

He owned himself defeated. 他承认自己失败了。

He paused for a reply. 他停下来等着·回答。

He ran his horse up the hill. 他策马跑上小山。

He reminds me of his brother. 他使我想起了他的弟弟。

He repaired his house. 他修理了他的房子。

He resolved to give up smoking. 他决心戒烟。

He said he was educated in the United States.他说他是在美国受的教育。

He sat with his arms across the chest. 他双臂交*于胸前的坐在那里。

He seems at little nervous. 他显得有点紧张。

He set up a fine example to all of us. 他为我们树立了一个好榜样。

He shot the lion with a gun. 他用枪把狮子打死了。

He spent most of his life gathering money.他一生大部分时间用来积聚钱财。

He strolls about the town. 他在镇上四处遛达。

He struck his attacker on the ear. 他打了那个攻击者一耳光。

He suddenly appeared in the party. 他突然在晚会上出现了。

He suggested a picnic. 他建议搞一次野餐。

He suggests you leave here at once. 他建议你立刻离开这儿。

He talks as if he were the head of the office. 他说话的口气像办公室主任似的。

He used to learn everything by rote. 他过去总是死记硬背。

He usually drops in at my place on his way home.他常常在回家的路上顺便来看看我。

He usually stays at home with his pet dog.他通常跟他的爱犬待在家里。

He walks with a quick pace. 他快步走路。

He was born in New York. 他出生在纽约。

He was efficient in his work. 他工作效率高。

He was married to a friend of mine. 他和我的一个朋友结了婚。

He was not a bit tired. 他一点也不累。

He was not a little tired. 他很累。

He was trained to be a lawyer. 他被培养成一名律师。

He will blame you for carelessness. 他会责备你的粗心大意。

He will do anything but work. 只要不是干活,他干什么都行。

He won an election. 他在选举中获胜。

He's a terrible man when he's angry. 他生气的时候很可怕。

Help yourself. 别客气。

Her family are all music lovers. 她全家人都是音乐爱好者。

Her handbag goes with her clothes. 她的手袋和她的衣服很搭配。

Her tooth ached all night. 她牙疼了一整夜。

Here we are. Row M, seats l and 3. 哦,到了。M排,l号和3号。

Here you are. 给你。

Here's a gift for you. 这里有个礼物送给你。

His boss might get angry with him. 他的老板也许会生他的气。

His cake is four times as big as mine. 他的蛋糕是我的四倍大。

His cake is three times bigger than mine. 他的蛋糕比我的大三倍。

His father runs a restaurant. 他的父亲经营一家餐馆。

His looks are always funny. 他的样子总是滑稽可笑。

His previous attempts had been unsuccessful.他以前的尝试没有成功。

His talk covered many subjects. 他的报告涉及很多课题。

His vanity was hurt by their talking so frankly.他们坦率的谈话伤害了他的虚荣心。

His words are strongly impressed on my memory.他的话深深地铭记在我的心头。

Hold on. 等一等。

How about a drink tonight? 今晚喝一杯怎样?

How about going to a movie? 去看场电影怎么样?

How are things going? 事情进展得怎样?

How are you recently? 最近怎么样?

How can I climb up that wall! I wish I were a bird!我怎么能够爬得上那堵墙?我要是一只鸟就好了!

How do I control myself? I can't calm down.我怎能控制我自己?我无法冷静下来。

How do you like our English literature Prof.?你觉得我们的英国文学课的教授怎么样?

How much does it cost? 多少钱?

How much? 多少钱?

How peaceful and beautiful the country is!多么平静美丽的国家呀!

How would you go to Beijing, by air or by train?你怎样去北京,是乘飞机还是坐火车?

How's everything? 一切还好吧?

How's it going? 怎么样?

However, Susan has not really made up her mind yet.然而,苏珊却还没有决定。

I agree. 我同意。

I am a football fan. 我是个足球迷。

I am afraid that l have to go. 我要走了。

I am busy.How is your business? 我很忙。你的生意做得怎样?

I am looking forward to your early reply. 希望早日得到你的答复。

I am looking forward to your visit next week.我期待着你下周来访。

I am on my way to the grocery store. 我正在去杂货店的路上。

I am sick of always waiting. 我讨厌总是等待。

I am so full that I would burst with another bite.我吃得如此之饱,我感觉我再吃一口肚子就要胀破了。

I am so sorry about this. 对此我非常抱歉(遗憾)。

I am told that you dance wonderfully well.我听说你的舞跳得特棒。

I appreciate John's helping in time. 我感谢约翰的及时帮助。

I assure you that you will feel no pain at all.我保证你根本不会觉得疼的。

I beg your pardon? 请您再说一遍(我没有听清)。

I beg your pardon. 请你原谅。

I bought it the day it was released. 它发行的当天我就买了。

I can do nothing but that. 我只会做那件事。

I can express myself in good English. 我可以用很好的英语来表达自己的观点。

I can give you a number of excuses. 我可以给你说出很多韵理由。

I can't afford a new car. 我买不起一部新车。

I can't afford to go to a restaurant every day.每天都去餐馆吃饭,我真是支付不起。

I can't follow you. 我不懂你说的。

I can't make this machine run properly. 我无法使这部机器正常运转。

I cannot express how glad I am to hear from him.我无法表达我接到他的信时有多高兴。

I cannot put up with my noisy roommates. 我受不了我那些吵闹的室友了。

I caught the last bus. 我赶上了最后一班车。

I could hardly speak. 我简直说不出话来。

I could say nothing but that I was sorry. 我除了说“对不起”之外,什么也说不出来。

I count you as one of my friends 我把你算作我的一个朋友。

I decline! 我拒绝!

I determined that nothing should be changed.我决定什么都不改变。

I develop films myself. 我自己冲洗照片。

I dig songs and I like pop music very much.我特别喜欢歌曲和流行音乐。

I do not care whether it rains or not. 我不管天会不会下雨。

I do want to see him now. 我现在确实很想去见他。

I don't doubt that he will help me. 我不怀疑他会援助我。

I don't have any cash with me. 我身上没带现金。

I don't know how to express my gratitude. 我不知道怎样来表达我的感激之情。我要赶飞机

I don't know if I'll have the patience. 我不知道我有没有耐心。

I don't like what you are saying. 我不喜欢你说的话。

I don't mean it. 我不是故意的。

I don't think it will lead to a good result.我认为这事不会有什么好结果。

I don't think much of the movie. 我认为那电影不怎么样。

I don't think you are right. 我认为你是不对的。

I doubt it 我怀疑。

I doubted whether the story is true. 我怀疑那故事是不是真的。

I expect to be there this evening. 我打算今天晚上到那儿去。

I fear that he drinks too much. 我担心他喝的酒太多了。

I feel I am the happiest person in the world.我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人了。

I feel like eating an ice-cream. 我想吃一个冰淇淋。

I fell in love with her at first sight. 我第一眼见到她就爱上了她。

I felt no regret for it. 对这件事我不觉得后悔。

I felt sort of ill. 我感觉有点不适。

I found him seated on the bench. 我发现他在椅子上坐着。

I gave much time to the old car. 我在这辆破车上花了不少时间。

I get hold of you at last. 我终于找到你了。

I get up at six o'clock. 我六点起床。

I go to school by bike every day. 我每天骑自行车上学。

I got a bad headache, and my nose is running.我头痛得厉害,还流鼻涕。

I had to sit up all night writing the report.我不得不熬通宵写报告。

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