NATIONALITY:British,B.1940 2020 What is it, an Owl?, 2012, Oil on board, 30x24 inches
Drama of the absurd world Byrne was born in Paisley and grew up in the notorious Ferguslie Park housing scheme. In 1958 he attended the Glasgow School of Art and in his final year he was awarded the Bellahousten Award, the school's most prestigious painting prize. His painting career took off after he sent a small picture of a man in a panama hat to Mayfair’s Portal Gallery, claiming it to be the work of his father. It secured him his first solo show in 1967. 伯恩出生于佩斯利,在臭名昭著的弗格斯利公园住房中长大。1958年,他就读于格拉斯哥艺术学院,最后一年,他被授予学校最负盛名的绘画奖贝拉霍斯滕奖。他把一张戴巴拿马帽的男子的小照片送到梅菲尔的门户画廊,声称这是他父亲的作品后,他的绘画事业开始腾飞。这使他在1967年做了首次个展。 
John Byrne Oil on canvas/Oil on board Self Portrait in Gold-tinted Glasses, 2016, Oil on Arches paper, 22x15 1/4inches
 The Messiah, 2015,Oil on paper & oil on board,106 x 75.5cm + 152.5 x 83cm + 106 x 75.5cm (triptych)Art Factory, 2016,Oil on Arches paper,25 3/4 x 22 3/4 inchesMother Love, 2016,Oil on Arches paper laid on board,29 1/4 x 19 3/4 inches
The false face that must hide what the false heart must know, 2012,Oil on board,Dimensions,56 x 48 inches Wee Storie Street, 2015,Oil and pastel on card,56 x 108cmDangerous Corner, 2016,Oil on Arches paper,30 x 22 1/4 inches Red Sails in the Sunset, 2016,Oil on panel,24 x 48 inchesLopsided Love Story, 2016,Oil on Arches paper,30 x 22 1/4 inches Skullduggery, 2015,Oil on gesso,61 x 50cm + 61 x 50cm (diptych) The Card Sharps, 2015,Oil on board,76 x 56.5cmSubway Rider, 2016,Oil on panel,26 x 22 1/2 inchesThe Huntsman and the Snowy Owl, 2014,Casein on paper,44 x 33½ inches Softly, Softly, 2016,Oil on panel,19 x 15 3/4 inchesTwo Buddies, 2012,Mixed media on paper,13 x 11 inchesChuck It!, 2016,Oil on panel,23 3/4 x 18 3/4 inchesDowntown Dandy, 2016,Oil on Arches paper,22 1/4 x 15 1/4 inches The Traveller - Destination Unknown, 2015,Oil and pastel on paper,108 x 81cm
Twixt The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea, 2016,Oil on panel,48 x 72 inches Moon, Swan, Marksman, 2014,Oil on board,31 x 26 inchesHigh Life, 2016,Oil on Arches paper,22 x 17 1/2 inchesIII Met by Moonlight, 2015,Oil and pastel on paper,76 x 56.5cm + 76 x 56.5cm (diptych) Oh, look ... a Dinky, 2014,Oil on board,18 x 23½ inches