
专家观点|SpaceX如何玩转COTS器件 —— 关于宇航元器件成本问题的思考(二)

 大国重器元器件 2020-09-11

作者:大国重器专家团队成员 张伟






目前,从网上可以找到的,得到SpaceX官方认可的,有关SpaceX元器件选用的,唯一资料就是2012年Aviationweek.com对John Muratore的一篇访谈(“大国重器做了编译)。还有两篇相关的分析文章,分别是https://www./article/from-earth-to-orbit-with-linux-and-spacex/https://blog./elon-musk-architectures-leading-systems-falcon-heavy-rocket-fully-aligned大国重器对部分重要内容也做了编译)。





Q: But there's nothing on thespacecraft in the way of radiation-hardened parts?

A: The parts aren't hardened, the design as a total system ishardened.What it is each part does not go through the screening thatis typical of radiation hardened parts.

  —— aviationweek.com

访谈中只是说了器件是“不抗辐照的”,但没有说是“未经鉴定”的。这个两个概念有很大区别, Muratore应该是故意模糊表述,避免透露出更多信息。

The Falcon 9's onboardoperating system is a stripped-down Linux running on three ordinary dual-core x86 processors.The flightsoftware itself runs separately on each processor and is written in C/C++.

  —— ZDNet

ZDNet的说法,和很多流行的说法一致,但是没有出现在前文引述的SpaceX软件开发人员的原话中。正常的理解是,这个信息是作者或编者自行加上去的。但既然很多媒体披露的信息中都包含了dual-coreX86 processors,抱着空穴来风、事出有因的态度,我们可以先采纳这个说法。

Muratore接受访谈是在2012年,CPU的选型比这个时间还要更早,那时候有哪些符合dual-coreX86 processors条件的选项呢?


其次,功率因素排除了XEON系列服务器芯片的可能性。虽然在稳定性方面服务器CPU有明显的优势,但是单颗CPU 100W+的功率,是空间应用的供电环境和散热环境无法满足的。

最终,只剩下桌面CPU的选项,下面的列表显示了Intel桌面处理器的发展历程。按照时间推算,SpaceX最有可能选择的是2008年至2009年发布的产品。其中,Celeron系列因为功耗优势,入选的可能性更高。并且,45nm工艺尺寸的Radiation Tolerance潜力很高。






Q: What's the downside tobuying radiation-hardened hardware or software? Is it expensive, or just notwidely available?

A: It's really not the expensethat drives it. We're committed to having the best possible parts in all of ourdesigns. So if it cost a lot and we needed it, we'd go get it. We were alreadyrequired to have all this redundancy in the computers to meet all the differentsafety requirements. Then we started looking at what parts do we want to useand what is appropriate for this design. And what really is more important tous than the cost of the parts is the capability ofthe parts how much power dothey use, how much memory do they hold, how much do they process, and howphysically big are they. That's the first thing.

 —— Aviationweek.com


The second thing is what tools they come with. We run the Linux operatingsystem, we program everything in C++, and that enables us to tap into a hugepool of very talented people and find the absolute best people in the computerand software industry to work with us. If you go into the radiation hardenedparts, they are very limited in terms of what languages you can work in, whatsupport packages there are for them, who knows how to program in them. Itreally limits your ability to work with the parts. And the other thing itreally does is they all take a little longer time to get and they're a littleharder to come by.

—— Aviationweek.com


…… Wehave hundreds of flight computers of different capability levels, and we're inmultiple generations of design. The radiationparts tend not to have growth and upgrade paths. It's very hard to grow, if youdecide you want a little more capability, a little faster, you're reallylimited it's that part.And we're already in our third generation of flight computer at SpaceX. In the last two years we've worked through threegenerations, we've got people working on a fourth generation computer. So weare constantly looking at what's available in the marketplace, moving with themarketplace so we can use the best software tools, the best people the besttechniques and achieve the most modern, optimized, efficient design. That's whywe don't want to go into these lines, and they are good pieces of equipment,lots of people use them. But they don't open up the kind of possibilities thatwe want to have.

—— Aviationweek.com







SpaceX也花费的巨大的“风险缓解”成本。从访谈中我们可以看到,无论是JPL专家给出的咨询意见(方案),还是University of Indiana做的辐照测试,成本都是非常高的。

Now that doesn't mean that eachpart can't take the dose that a “rad-hardened” part can, because we've taken all ofour designs and we've tested them extensively, we've had contracts with theNASA Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) to consult us, and their the world's experts init, and we've gone to the Universityof Indiana and tested all of our parts, and we test them until they fail.We keep bringing the environment up and up and up until they fail. But we testthem as a total system, not each part at a time. We've tested lots of our partsto very, very high radiation environments. So we test them as a total system,and by that I mean a unit with three processors in it, we test the entire unit.We take the cover off and we hit it really, really hard with radiation, and wedo that so we understand how the parts react in the radiation environment.

—— Aviationweek.com




We've got 54 in a Dragon and they're all different kinds ofcomputers, different kinds of processors. We've got computers in the Falcon 9,we've got three computers in one unit on each engine in the Falcon 9, so that's 30 computers right there.
—— Aviationweek.com

A lot of otherprograms are one program. At SpaceX ourgoal is the most reliable, cost effective and safe access to space in theworld, and our CEO [Elon Musk] is very clear: We're going to Mars. So building the computer for the Dragon isn't just aboutbuilding the computer for the Dragon, it's about building a whole suite oftools, techniques, people and processes to then go to the next vehicle, and thenext vehicle. And our equipment crosses lines. Falcon designs go into Dragon,we're currently retrofitting the Dragon design into the new Falcon, so ourdesigns constantly keep evolving, and that's why we don't want to get intolines that have limited growth capacity.
—— Aviationweek.com

The radiation environment issomething people have known about for a long time. It's part of the naturalenvironment, and it varies. It matters what kind of mission you're doing. With Dragon we're doing low-Earth orbit, short-durationmissions and that drives a lot of the architecture.
—— Aviationweek.com







Last week, NASA revealed thatSpaceX's first commercial resupply mission to the ISS experienced a number of anomalies in addition to the shutdown of aFalcon 9 first-stage engine, including the loss of one of three flight computers on theDragon cargo vessel due to a suspected radiationhit. Over the weekend I spoke with John Muratore, SpaceX director ofvehicle certification, who said the loss of the computer was a function of theradiation-tolerant system design on which Dragon relies, rather thanhard-to-come-by "rad-hardened" parts that can be costly and difficultto upgrade.

Q: Ok, is there any plan right nowto make any changes in the flight computers for the next mission?
A: Wemight make some slight procedural or software changes so we can get through there-synching faster. But that's all. We're still talking about that.There's no requirement to make any changes. We met every safety requirementthat NASA put on us. Every piece of hardware that had any kind of hit recovered100%, completely. So the design functioned exactly the way it was intended tofunction.

作者简介:张伟,高可靠元器件从业者,美国ELLEGRO CORPORATION中国区负责人原航天五院进口元器件采购处副处长,原德国TESAT-SPACECOM中国业务代表)。如果您想和作者讨论或反馈,可以扫描下面二维码添加微信,请注明“大国重器”。作者的其他力作请查看开头专辑。

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