
人生最曼妙的风景,竟是内心的淡定和从容丨Inner Serenity, the Best Scene...

 智能人做超人 2020-09-12

The most beautiful scenery in our life is a mindset of calmness and serenity. We used to be eager to acquire acknowledgment from outside but to the end we get to know that the world is yours after all and it’s none of anybody else’s business.

- by Yang Jiang

杨绛先生享年105岁(1911.7.17 - 2016.5.25),她在《一百岁感言》中留下的上面一席话,打动了无数人。

Yang Jiang, who was 105 years old (July 17, 1919 - May 25, 2016), touched countless people with her above remarks in her “Words From a Lady of 100 years Old”.









Dr. Fu, who had been accompanying Yang Jiang for more than 30 years and had taken care of her health, said that she had practiced two words throughout her life: As long as you are young at heart, your age is just a number; As long as adhere to the scientific way, longevity will not be a dream.
Dr. Fu summarized Yang Jiang's specific practices as follows:
-Practice Baduanjin
-Light diet
-Practice calligraphy
-Massage the ear
-Insist on writing
-Inner strength



'Exercising her body has been Yang Jiang’s lifelong commitment.' Yang was well aware of the importance of exercise. At the same time, she believed that the exercise load and amount must be suitable for each age group, not too much or too little, 'suitable' is appropriate.

Yang Jiang practiced Baduanjin for a very long time. It is said that she regarded it as her daily practice, and making it become a part of her life. After finishing Baduanjin, she could feel that all her muscles and bones were very active, which was a feeling she liked very much.


Yang Jiang had always attached great importance to diet and health preservation, and her body functions were all up to standard. Until the age of 100, she could still bend over and let her hands touch the ground, which was difficult for many people. She used to take a walk every morning, but after turning 100 she felt her heart was failing gradually and gave up. But she still did not give up the practice of Baduanjin. In her past hundred years, she had experienced many human changes, natural and man-made disasters, but she had always been able to survive with a calm and optimistic attitude. Perhaps it was her persistence, coupled with her good attitude, that kept her sharp and easy to walk well after the age of 100.

Keeping exercising and a calm mind, may be the inspiration of Yang Jiang for us.
1《练习八段锦、按摩耳朵 杨绛的养生之道》
3.途客《杨绛 八段锦是什么》
会员动态 Member Activities
The International Health Qigong·Baduanjin Online Intensive Training Workshop, hosted by Chinese Health Qigong Association, will be held from August 8 to August 23. The Workshop invites Expert Mr. Zhang Mingliang and Mr. Wang Xiaojun for the lectures and training. Welcome to register and study. 
详情请见 More details: https:///baduanjin_training/

The British Health Qigong Association has launched the Health Qigong·Baduanjin video competition 2020. The registration date is from July 20 to August 31. You are welcome.
报名官网 Registration website:http://en./3g/index.php?act=index
The third lecture of “Health Qigong, Aid in Anti-epidemic” series of lectures, held by Health Qigong Federation UK, will continue at 9am on July 26 (UK time). The topic is “Anything to learn and practice Health Qigong·Baduanjin during the Epidemic”. You are welcome.
Zoom ID: 848 6617 8865
Passcode: 332279


International Health Qigong Federation (IHQF) and Longcai Sports Group launched the 'Longcai Global Health Qigong Time' on February 14, which is broadcast live for 30 minutes at 10:00 and 16:00 (GMT+8) every day. Welcome to practice 'Health Qigong · Baduanjin' together and listen Health Qigong knowledge. 

龙采全球健身气功时间 -


Health Qigong·Baduanjin



Who will be the next?

Next week we will welcome the friends from Chongqing, China and Morocco. Who could they be? 

Previous Demonstators :

SANG Huifen
Deputy Director & secretary-general of Changzhi Health Cultivation Association, Shanxi
Chinese HQ referee level-1
Chinese social sports instructor level-1
Deputy Director of Changzhi Health Cultivation Association, Shanxi
Chinese Health Qigong referee level-2
Chinese social sports instructor level-3
JIANG Guixiang
Chief coach of HQ Association of Zhalaite Banner, Xing’an League, Inner Mongolia
Chinese national social sports instructor
Health Qigong referee level-1
PANG Lijun
HQ Association of Zhalaite Banner, Xing’an League, Inner Mongolia
Chinese social sports instructor level-1


HE Xixiang
From Yinchuan, Ningxia, China
Chinese national social sports instructor

从左到右From left:

森田道子Michiko Morita、竹花智子Tomoko Takehana
金子和子Kaneko Kazuko、真造妙子Shinzo Taeko
Japan Health Qigong Promotion Association
All Japan Health Qigong Union

-龙采全球健身气功时间 -


Health Qigong Tips


The Health Qigong Tips videos by Mr. ZHANG Mingliang have been played back gradually! 

Please visit menu “教学T&S” and then “小彩蛋TIPS” on IHQF WeChat public account.







ZHANG Mingliang
Person in charge of Education and Training of IHQF
Director of Huang Ting Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chinese National social sports instructor
Chinese HQ Duan 8


Next topic :The Importance of Finger Exercise 

Jinxiang Shi - The Neck and Nape Movement for Head Exercise

Our practice starts with the head. As described before, Heshou (crane head), Longtou (dragon head) and Taiji Gong (Tai Chi Exercise) summarize the requirements for head exercise in traditional Qigong. But how to meet those requirements properly? For a start, we need to exercise our head and neck to stretch them. So, I have also summed up the head and neck exercise as “Jinxiang Shi (Neck and Nape Movement)”.


Jin” means the front of the neck while “xiang” refers to the back (nape). The ancients drew a clear line between them. The front is called “Jin” (neck). A Chinese idiom, for example, refers to suicide as “killing oneself by cutting Jin” because it is mainly the front of the neck that’s cut. And the necklace that ladies wear mainly touches the back of our neck, the nape. So the necklace is called “xianglian” as the back is called “xiang” in Chinese. Therefore, “Jinxiang Shi is so named with the intent on exercising both the front and back of the neck.

Now I will now break this exercise method down into four simple parts and show you step by step. But you should pay attention to controlling the amplitude of your moves, particularly for those who have some health conditions with the head and/or neck. On the other hand, doing more exercise of this kind will have a highly beneficial effect for preventing and treating head and neck ailments.
At the outset, you may sit or stand with your arms akimbo (i.e., hands planted on the waist). The purpose of having arms akimbo is to relax your shoulders and maintain balance. You may want to sit or stand. When you’re ready, the first sub-movement is to turn your head left and right. The head and xiang (neck) are not simply doing a horizontal left and right turn, but pushing up while turning left. Go up and turn left, pausing when they reach the maximum extent ─ one, two, three. Return to the front without relaxing, but still pulling, and pushing up your head. Then, turn right in the opposite direction to the maximum, pausing before turning back to the front. This is Part 1, which you may repeat a number of times.
Part 2, your Baihui guides your head to the far left. Move further to the left as if the left ear is moving closer to the left shoulder. Attention: keep your body still and pause after reaching the maximum extent. At this point, you feel a strong stretch on the right side of your neck. Pause and return to the centre. Then, pull and stretch in the other direction. Pause and return to the centre. This is Part 2 which can also be repeated.
Part 3 is Heshou” (crane head) and Longtou (dragon head) as we discussed before. For Longtou, tuck in the chin and push up the head hard, stretching the back of the neck as if you were pushing up with force the horns on your head. This is for Longtou. Then, back to the centre. To move backward, it’s doing the Heshou we described before: Bite the teeth and don’t open your mouth. The chin goes forward, far and up, stretching to the maximum the front of the neck, and even the chest and abdomen. Return to the centre. You can also repeat it, Part 3. 

Part 4 is a loop-circling exercise. You may think it’s easy, but you must heed and follow the requirements, i.e., by combining the previous two sub-movements, move the head and neck front forward, then to the left with the left ear getting closer to the left shoulder, and then backward (with the teeth bitten). This is Heshou, for pulling and stretching the front of the neck. Then, turn right, with the right ear edging closer to the right shoulder, and then forward ─ as in Longtou. This is once. Now, return to the centre. Take a pause before doing the exercise in the opposite direction. Then, go back to the centre before doing the left and right sides again.

Do remember that the head and neck are very important parts of the body. They must be exercised as per the requirements. Many doctors of our times may say that cervical spondylosis patients should not move. In fact, come to think of it: if you had cervical spondylosis and kept your neck still, would the illness cure itself? Admittedly, the doctors are not mistaken. No irregular moves. You must follow the requirements. But what requirements? It is doing the pulling and stretching, first of all, while pulling and stretching, doing the left, right, turning and looping moves. Just bear in mind a sentence in my book entitled Awaken Your Body ─ the TCM Body Daoyin Techiques. It reads: 'Relax in extension; extend in relaxation.” This can be accomplished only by getting the intensity right. Otherwise, you would feel somewhat dizzy after practicing with irregular moves . But don't be afraid, either.
As the ancients said, 'The sights are infinitely superb on perilous peaks.' Lying down poses no perils, but produces no curative effect. Therefore, you must make sure it’s perfectly safe while you engage in exercises with big moves. Achieve optimal effect while paying attention to safety. If you feel a bit dizzy, be sure to check if your moves have fallen short of the standards.
Practice Health Qigong, feel the peace of mind and body relaxation.

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