

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17

Kansas City prisoner'blessed' to be free after lookalike found


A US prisoner who spent 17years in jail for a robbery he did not commit has spoken of his relief thatresearchers found his lookalike.


Richard Anthony Jones fromKansas was released from jail after witnesses said they could not tell the twomen apart.

堪萨斯的理查德 安东尼 琼斯在犯罪目击者们说他们无法把两个人分清后,而从监狱里获得释放。

A judge ruled there was noevidence to keep him in jail.

Mr Jones said finding aphoto of the other man - who as well as looking like him, shares the same firstname - was a "needle in a haystack moment”.

一个法官判决由于没有任何证据而不能把他继续关在监狱里。琼斯先生说,发现了另一个人的相片 - 不仅这个看起来像他, 还与他同名, 这简直是“大海里捞针”。

'I don't believe in luck, Ibelieve I was blessed,' Mr Jones told the Kansas City Star.

So far no criminal case hasbeen filed against his double - known only as Ricky - who gave evidence at MrJones's robbery retrial and denied committing the crime.

‘我不相信运气,我相信我是被保佑了,“ 琼斯先生告诉堪萨斯城之星(报纸)。到目前为止,这个和他像是一个模子刻出来的-只知道叫Ricky的人-没有被控告犯任何罪案。 这个人在琼斯先生的重审时提供了证据,并且否认了犯了这个罪。

While not saying Ricky wasresponsible, the judge found that based on the new evidence, no reasonablejuror would have convicted Mr Jones.


Mr Jones said that he beganto despair that he would ever be released from jail after repeated efforts toappeal against his 19-year conviction for a 1999 robbery.


"All my appeals hadbeen denied. It has been a rough ride," he said.

“我的所有上诉都被否决了,这个过程实在太艰难的,” 他说。

But in 2015 he toldresearchers from the Midwest Innocence Project - a group that aids wronglyconvicted prisoners - about a man called Ricky he had heard about. Mr Jones hadbeen told by fellow inmates that he looked identical to Ricky.

但在2015年,他向“中西部无辜项目” - 一个为错判囚徒提供帮助的团体-说了一个叫Ricky的人。他同监狱的囚犯告诉他,琼斯先生他和Ricky看来长得一摸一样。

"When I saw thepicture of my double it all made sense to me," he said.


Mr Jones had been convictedbased mostly on eyewitness evidence.


There was no physical, DNAor fingerprint evidence that linked him to the crime.


The researchers found thatnot only did the other man bear an uncanny resemblance to Mr Jones, he livednear the scene of the crime in Kansas City, Kansas, whereas Mr Jones livedacross the state line in Kansas City, Missouri.

研究人员发现不仅另一个人和琼斯先生有非同一般的相像,这个人住在离犯罪现场近的堪萨斯州的堪萨斯城,而琼斯先生住在跨过州界的密苏里州的堪萨斯城。 (两个城市隔河而立,但属于两个不同的州 - 译者)

Lawyers for Mr Jones alsosaid he was with his girlfriend and her family at the time members of thepublic were robbed in a park.


They argued that policeidentity procedures 17 years ago were deeply flawed.

A lawyer working on hiscase said the team were "floored by how much" Mr Jones and his doublelooked alike.


Mr Jones told the KansasCity Star that he was now adjusting to life outside of jail and was happy to beback with his children.



lookalike : 酷似…的人;

needle in haystack : 大海里涝针

blessed: 祝福,有福的;

identical : 同一的; 完全同样的,相同的; 恒等的; 同卵的;

appeal : 上诉

eyewitness : 目击者,目击证人


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