
沪教版英语小学五年级M1U3练习2 附答案

 dongfang3216 2020-09-24

Module 1  Getting to know you

Unit 3  My future (2)

. Read and write(写出所给例词的同类词,每线一词):

March: __________ ___________   ____________  ____________

bus:  __________  ___________   ____________  ____________

student: _________  ___________   ____________  ____________

third: ___________ ____________  ____________   _____________

. Read and judge(读一读,判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音,用TF表示):

(   ) 1. bed     big                      (   ) 2. map     pick

(   ) 3. nice   cake                (   ) 4. date      ba

(   ) 5. taste    fruit                     (   ) 6. clock  picnic

(   ) 7. pick     duck              (   ) 8. blue          glue  

(   ) 9. game    good                   (   ) 10. job   climb

. Fill in the blanks(根据句意,填上适当的单词完成句子):

1. Dan helps sick people. He is a _______________.

2. Steve and David cook food. They are _______________.

3. Sam grows vegetables. He is a ______________.

4. Mary gives lessons to students. She is a ______________.

5. Linda sells things to people. She is a _____________.

. Read and write(用所给单词的适当形式填空,每线词数不限):

1. --- What can you ________ (do)?    --- I can ___________ (fly) a plane.

2. --- What _______ Tom _______ (do) now?  

--- He __________ (do) his homework.

3. My cousin ___________ (like) __________ (watch) TV at home.

4. My aunt can ___________ (sing) well. She’s a good ____________ (sing). Listen! She _______________ (sing) now.

5. --- What _________ Mr. Smith _______ (do)? 

--- He ___________ (be) a postman.

. Rewrite the sentences(按要求改写下列句子):

1. I want to be a pilot.(对划线部分提问)


2. I’m a student.(改为一般疑问句)


3. My little sister can fly a kite.(改为否定句)


4. I want to be a writer in the future.(用Linda替换 I,其余作相应变化)


5. Dan cooks dinner in the kitchen.(对划线部分提问)


6. What’s your job?(换种说法,但意思不变)


. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):

A Dog for My Daughter

We buy our daughter a little dog. There are not many children of her age and we think a dog would make her happy. We are right. They play together happily. Our daughter smiles and laughs a lot more. Both of them are very dirty. But the dog is easier to look after than my daughter. He always eats up all his food and needn’t wash his cloths. My wife is also very happy because I don’t smoke any more. The dog doesn’t like the smell.

Part 1 Read and judge根据短文判断正误TF表示):

(   ) 1. We buy a dog for our daughter.

(   ) 2. There are a lot of children of our daughter’s age.

(   ) 3. The dog makes our daughter unhappy.

(   ) 4. Our daughter always eats up all her food.

Part 2 Read and fill in the blanks根据短文填入所缺的单词):

1. Our daughter plays with the dog and ___________, ____________ a lot more.

2. The dog is ____________ to look after than our daughter.

3. The dog often _____________ up his ______________ .

4. My wife is happy because I ___________ smoke any more.

Module 1  Getting to know you

Unit 3  My future (2)

Ⅰ. Omitted

Ⅱ. 1. T  2. T  3. F  4. F  5. T  6. T  7. T  8. F  9. T  10. F

Ⅲ. doctor/ dentist/ nurse  2. cooks  3. farmer  4. teacher  5. shop assistant

Ⅳ. 1. do, fly   2. is…doing, is doing  3. likes, watching  4. sing, singer, is singing   5. does, do, is

Ⅴ. 1. What do you want to be?

   2. Are you a student?

   3. My little sister can’t/ cannot fly a kite.

   4. Linda wants to be a writer in the future.

   5. What does Dan do in the kitchen?

Ⅵ. Part 1 1. T  2. T  3. F  4. F

   Part 2

1.smiles,laughs.2. easier,3.eats,food,4.don't.

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