

 英语语法学习 2020-10-09


Summer weather patterns are increasingly likely tostall in Europe, North America and parts of Asia, according to a new climate study that explains why Arctic warming is making heatwaves elsewhere more persistent and dangerous.



climate[ˈklaɪmət] n. 气候,状况,局势,氛围

The scientist developed one model to simulate a full year of the globe's climate.这名科学家研制了一个模型来模拟地球全年的气候。

The economic climate remainsu ncertain.经济形势依然不确定。

A major change of political climate is not in prospect.暂时还看不出政治面貌有可能发生巨变。

We want a climate favourable to large companies.我们需要更有利于大公司的社会氛围。

heatwave[ˈhi:tweɪv] n. 热浪, 酷暑期

The Russian heatwave might have occurred anyway, without help from greenhouse gases.也许没有温室气体的帮助,俄罗斯热浪也会发生。

The highway buckled during the heatwave.高速路在酷暑期变弯了。

persistent[pəˈsɪstənt] adj. 持续的,持久的

But their work was hindered by the persistent rainfall.但持续的降雨给救援工作造成了障碍。

This is not persistent.这不是持久的。


Summer weather patterns是名词词组作主语,are increasingly likely tostall是谓语(系动词+表语,increasingly是副词作状语, likely to stall是表语),in Europe, North America and parts of Asia是三个地点状语(分别用“,”和“and”来连接), according to a new climate study thatexplains why Arctic warming is making heatwaves elsewhere more persistent and dangerous整个是介词词组,其中according to是复合介词后跟名词或代词,这里跟着名词a new climate study。that引导定语从句(that在从句中作主语),explains是谓语(现在一般时),why引导宾语从句,Arctic warming是名词词组作主语,is making是谓语(现在进行时), heatwaves elsewhere是宾语(elsewhere是副词作后置定语,修饰heatwaves),more persistent and dangerous是两个形容词比较级作宾补,补充说明heatwaves更持久更危险。

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