

 PaperRSS 2020-10-20





Several photorespiratory bypasses have been introduced into plants and shown to improve photosynthesis by increasing chloroplastic CO2 concentrations or optimizing energy balance. We recently reported that an engineered GOC bypass could increase photosynthesis and productivity in rice. However, grain yield of the GOC plants was unstable, fluctuating at the different cultivation seasons due to the varying seed setting rate. In this study, we designed a synthetic photorespiratory shortcut (the GCGT bypass) consisting of genes encoding Oryza sativa glycolate oxidase and Escherichia coli catalase, glyoxylate carboligase, and tartronic semialdehyde reductase. The GCGT bypass was guided by an optimized chloroplast transit peptide that targeted rice chloroplasts and redirected 75% of carbon from glycolate metabolism to the Calvin cycle, identical to the native photorespiration pathway. GCGT transgenic plants exhibited significantly increased biomass production and grain yield, which was mainly attributed to enhanced photosynthesis due to the increased chloroplastic CO2 concentration. Despite the increases in biomass production and grain yield, GCGT transgenic plants showed a reduced seed setting rate, a phenotype previously reported for the GOC plants. Integrative transcriptomic, physiological, and biochemical assays revealed that the photosynthetic carbohydrates were not transported to grains in an efficient manner, which then resulted in the decreased seed setting rate. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the GCGT photorespiratory shortcut confers higher yield by promoting photosynthesis in rice, mainly by increasing chloroplastic CO2 concentrations.



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