
【火腿快新闻】拉风 |“奶牛飞遍全世界”——DX远征通联计划

 业余无线电 2020-10-28

“Cows Over the World” CW DXpeditions Planned


Tom Callas, KC0W, has announced the all-CW “Cows Over the World” DXpeditions for 2016. All call sign suffixes will contain "COW." The schedule calls for a summer departure to (in this order): American Samoa, Samoa, Tokelau, Solomon Islands, Temotu Province, and Bangladesh. He may add Nepal and Bhutan. There will be no time frame for operation from each entity.

Tom Callas, KC0W公布2016年全CW模式的“奶牛飞遍全世界”DX远征通联活动。该活动呼号后缀将包含 "COW"三个字母。 活动计划于夏季开始,按顺序前往美属萨摩亚、萨摩亚、托克劳、所罗门群岛、泰莫图省和孟加拉国。他可能把尼泊尔和不丹纳入考虑。在每个通联地的操作将不设时间限制。

“The determining factor will be when the pileups die down it’s time to pack everything up and move along,” he said. Callas said he’s spent months researching the absolute best DXing locations for each island and for Bangladesh (he’s secured all but Tokelau). “This will be the only DXpedition that I’m aware of in which the operator will operate from separate sides of the islands,” he said.


The Minnesota DXer pointed out that the west and east coasts of South Pacific islands are separated by mountains, and that he learned firsthand how much mountains attenuate HF signals while he was operating from Haiti. Emphasis will be on 160, 80, and 40 meters. A tentative phase II “Cows Over Africa” DXpedition is on the drawing board. — Thanks to The Daily DX

明尼苏达DX远征者指出南太平洋的岛屿东西岛屿被山脉分隔开,当他在海地进行通联操作的时候,获得了山脉对HF信号的影响程度的第一手资料,重点将放在160米、80米和40米段。第二阶段的“奶牛飞遍非洲”通联远征活动正在筹划当中。——感谢Daily DX


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