

 朱明之关于建筑 2020-10-29





MJH structural engineers is a consultancy providing engineering solutions to the offsite and modular construction industries.  We work to develop efficient and creative ideas in collaboration with our clients.  The key to building tall modular buildings is in the understanding and execution of buildability and connection detailing.  These are the areas that MJH focus our efforts in and develop solutions for.


We approach our work with cutting-edge innovative thinking, engineering best practice, a detailed understanding of construction and an ability to provide proactive creativity to ensure solutions are achieved.


We have designed and detailed buildings ranging in height from single storey to 43 storeys of modular which when completed will be the World’s tallest modular building.  We work closely with developers, architects, fabricators and contractors to ensure high quality collaborative solutions are achieved.



Structural Engineering

MJH provide structural engineering design services to the offsite and modular construction industry.  We engineer creative solutions to provide buildability and construction process solutions focusing on shifting work from the construction site to the factory environment.


Our structural engineers excel at developing technical solutions, providing innovative and inventive ideas to allow long established methodologies of construction be reinvented to modern methods of construction.


MJH stay up to date with engineering and industry issues so that we can respond to real world challenges and constraints and to ensure our clients benefit from current developments within and around our industry.


Structural Detailing

MJH provide structural drawings and models for our offsite solutions.  We work closely with our clients to develop systems that facilitate their workflow and provide the best information possible towards achieving a streamlined building process.  Our engineering design and detailing is completed through the use of practical 3D building models targeted to our client’s system of construction.  In most instances 3D models are reduced back to 2d drawings for ease of understanding and to facilitate construction personnel.


Product Design and Development

MJH reinvent standard construction details from traditional building solutions to facilitate the shift to modern methods of construction and offsite solutions.  The depth of experience achieved by MJH’s engineers and detailers through careers encompassing the precast industry, steel fabricators, consulting engineering and modular manufacturing allows us insights into technical requirements and practical solutions.  We concentrate and focus on utilising existing products to provide the majority of solutions but design, engineer and detail bespoke product solutions where cost effectiveness or necessity require creativity.



MJH understand the requirements of engineered building solutions and identify where testing is required to validate the engineered solution or where testing may provide a more cost-effective product.  Over the years we have been involved in testing of materials, purchased products for intended and new uses, products designed by collaboration between MJH and our clients, fabricated assemblies and full volumetric modules.  Testing is a very important element of the offsite suite of solutions validating theories, refinements and new methods of constructing and connecting.


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