
Database Setup

 大傻子的文渊阁 2020-10-29

数据库安装步骤 Database Setup

The following sample show, how a Database for the TcWind Runtime could become installed and configured.

It shows the setup of the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express, the TwinCAT 3 Database Server and the TcWindDatabase.

This samples starts with a clean system and configures it from scratch. The situation is comparable with a just delivered system or a newly installed image.


Microsoft SQL Server Setup

#01 After downloading the Microsoft SQL Server Setup, bring it to the device by RDP, FTP or a USB Memory.

After starting the Setup, the installation files will be extracted into the specified directory and the SQL Server Installation Center will automatically start up after a while.

Click on New SQL Server stand-alone installation to start the installation progress.


#02 The SQL Server Setup should start up to configure and install the SQL Server. Read and accept the license terms and click Next.


#03 By default the Windows Update Service on the embedded devices is disable. Therefore we skip the check for updates and click Next.



#04 The Setup hints you about the disabled Windows Update Service. Ignore this and click Next.



#05 On the next page the Feature Selection will show up. If required, keep the SQL Server Replication active, but it's likely to disable the installation of any Shared Features.

The essential feature is the Database Engine Services which should be marked. If required it's possible to change the directories and go on by a click on Next.



#06 At the Instance Configuration it's likely to adjust the name of the Server Instance. After that click Next.



#07 The Startup Type of the SQL Server Database Engine is by default and should be set to Automatic.

A started SQL Server Browser will allow to search for this Server and discover the Instances and Configuration from the network. Therefore it's recommend to set the Startup Type of the SQL Server Browser also to Automatic and click Next to step forward.



#08 The Authentication Mode specifies the administrative access to this Server. If there is no Windows Domain available it's proposed to choose the Mixed Mode and specify the password for the system administrator account.

Afterwards click on Next.



#09 Now the Installation Progress should start and take some time. If it has finished click Next again.



#10 The final page of this Setup shows if everything has been succeeded. Close the Setup and the Installation Center. Reboot the system as suggested by the setup.



#11 To access the SQL Database in the future from remote, the Network Configuration has to become adjusted. Do a right-click with the mouse to the Computer-Icon on the Desktop and choose Manage...



#12 At the menu item Services and Applications / SQL Server Configuration Manager / SQL Server Network Configuration choose the Protocols for SQLSERVER.



#13 Right-click on TCP/IP and select Properties.



#14 In the tab Protocol of the TCP/IP Properties it's necessary to enable the Protocol first.



#15 Afterwards in the bottom of the tab IP Addresses at the chapter IP All define the default TCP Port by the fixed Port 1433.




#16 To allow the access to the SQL Server it's also required to open the TCP Port 1433 and UDP Port 1434 in the Windows Firewall by adding "New Rule"s.













TwinCAT 3 Database Server Setup

#17 To install the TwinCAT 3 Database Server it's suggested to choose a Custom-Installation...



#18... and install only the required ADS Server to reduce appropriated space on the hard disk.




#19 The configuration of the TwinCAT 3 Database Server is also provided by the file CurrentConfigDataBase.xml. This file can easily be copied into C:\TwinCAT\3.1\Boot\ to overwrite the default file.



TcWind Database Setup

#20 To setup the TcWind Database there is a Setup Script provided by the TwinCAT Wind Framework in the directory TcWindDatabase.

Copy this directory to the device and edit the Script if required e.g. with the Editor.



#21 A common change in the Script is to choose the directory, where the Database Files will become stored.



#22 If the Script fulfills your requirements, start it up by right-click and Run as administrator...



#23 The SQLCMD Prompt shows up and starts creating the TcWDatabase.



#24 After the Update complete the Script requests you to press any key to close the Prompt.



#25 Now the TcWindDatabase is ready to use and a TwinCAT Configuration could become activated on this device.

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