

 taotao_2016 2020-11-04


标题:Multimodal tracking framework for visual odometry in challenging illumination conditions

作者:Axel Beauvisage, Kenan Ahiska, Nabil Aouf

来源:2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)



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表1 每次迭代进行野值剔除之后可见光、红外光以及被选择模态的剩余点的数量

表2 每个序列MMS-VO选择的图像数量

图2 MMS-VO在序列1和序列2中生成的轨迹

表3 MMS-VO和真值(GNSS)之间的误差比较

图3 序列3中的轨迹,a是可见光VO和红外VO单独的轨迹估计,b是进行模态选择之后的轨迹估计

表4 序列3单独模态和多模态之间的误差比较

图4 p-LK失效的例子以及对应的p-LK跟踪结果,每个蓝线表示当前帧和上一帧中特征点的位置

表5 处理多模态图像对花费的时间


Research on visual odometry and localisation is largely dominated by solutions developed in the visible spectrum, where illumination is a critical factor. Other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are currently being investigated to generate solutions dealing with extreme illumination conditions. Multispectral setups are particularly interesting as they provide information from different parts of the spectrum at once. However, the main challenge of such camera setups is the lack of similarity between the images produced, which makes conventional stereo matching techniques obsolete. 

This work investigates a new way of concurrently processing images from different spectra for application to visual odometry. It particularly focuses on the visible and Long Wave InfraRed (LWIR) spectral bands where dissimilarity between pixel intensities is maximal. A new Multimodal Monocular Visual Odometry solution (MMS-VO) is presented. With this novel approach, features are tracked simultaneously, but only the camera providing the best tracking quality is used to estimate motion. Visual odometry is performed within a windowed bundle adjustment framework, by alternating between the cameras as the nature of the scene changes. Furthermore, the motion estimation process is robustifified by selecting adequate keyframes based on parallax. 

The algorithm was tested on a series of visible-thermal datasets, acquired from a car with real driving conditions. It is shown that feature tracking could be performed in both modalities with the same set of parameters. Additionally, the MMS-VO provides a superior visual odometry trajectory as one camera can compensate when the other is not working.

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