
Cell子刊:挖掘肠道微生态中的“暗物质”——未知噬菌体 | 热心肠日报

 mingxiaozi 2020-11-11

Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron-Infecting Bacteriophage Isolates Inform Sequence-Based Host Range Predictions



07-10, Article

Abstract & Authors:展开

Our emerging view of the gut microbiome largely focuses on bacteria, while less is known about other microbial components, such as bacteriophages (phages). Though phages are abundant in the gut, very few phages have been isolated from this ecosystem. Here, we report the genomes of 27 phages from the United States and Bangladesh that infect the prevalent human gut bacterium Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. These phages are mostly distinct from previously sequenced phages with the exception of two, which are crAss-like phages. We compare these isolates to existing human gut metagenomes, revealing similarities to previously inferred phages and additional unexplored phage diversity. Finally, we use host tropisms of these phages to identify alleles of phage structural genes associated with infectivity. This work provides a detailed view of the gut’s “viral dark matter” and a framework for future efforts to further integrate isolation- and sequencing-focused efforts to understand gut-resident phages.

First Authors:
Andrew J Hryckowian,Bryan D Merrill

Correspondence Authors:
Andrew J Hryckowian,Justin L Sonnenburg

All Authors:
Andrew J Hryckowian,Bryan D Merrill,Nathan T Porter,William Van Treuren,Eric J Nelson,Rebecca A Garlena,Daniel A Russell,Eric C Martens,Justin L Sonnenburg

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