

 PSCReady公众号 2020-11-27

前几日,PSC Ready群里有朋友问:火灾报警机舱内是否应该有视觉和听觉警报?做上一期时,偶尔看到USCG写了条缺陷:Found in engine   control room no sound when fire order engine alarm is active. Where should be   the buzzer found only hole in console taped over. Found in engine control   room the monitor of operators station number to inoperative. To be   investigated by RO and repaired under class supervision. Report to be sent   before departure to PSC main office in Hamburg.



08103 Fire alarm - Fire alarm not distinct from engine alarms (audio and visual)




2、SOLAS II-2/R.7.4.2仅要求无人机舱的驾驶台和生活区,需要声光报警

 3、Res. A.1021(26))--2009年警报器和指示器规则非强制



依据一:SOLAS CII-2/R7.4.2

The fixed fire detection and fire alarm system required in paragraph 4.1.1 shall be so designed and the detectors so positioned as to detect rapidly the onset of fire in any part of those spaces and under any normal conditions of operation of the machinery and variations of ventilation as required by the possible range of ambient temperatures. Except in spaces of restricted height and where their use is specially appropriate, detection systems using only thermal detectors shall not be permitted. The detection system shall initiate audible and visual alarms distinct in both respects from the alarms of any other system not indicating fire, in sufficient places to ensure that the alarms are heard and observed on the navigating bridge and by a responsible engineer officer. When the navigating bridge is unmanned the alarm shall sound in a place where a responsible member of the crew is on duty.



依据二:FSS Code Visual and audible fire signals*

* Refer to the Code on Alerts and Indicators, 2009, as adopted by the Organization by resolution A.1021(26). The activation of any detector or manually operated call point shall initiate a visual and audible fire detection alarm signal at the control panel and indicating units. If the signals have not been acknowledged within 2 min, an audible fire alarm shall be automatically sounded throughout the crew accommodation and service spaces, control stations and machinery spaces of category A.  This alarm sounder system need not be an integral part of the detection system.

上面公约规定:任何探测器或手动报警按钮动作时,应在控制板和指示装置上发出视觉和听觉失火报警信号。如在2 min内信号未予应答,则应向所有船员起居处所和服务处所、控制站以及A类机器处所自动发出听觉失火报警



.9 Fire detection alarm. An alarm to alert the crew in the onboard safety centre, the continuously manned central control station, the navigation bridge or main fire control station or elsewhere that a fire has been detected.

.2 Fire alarm. An alarm to summon the crew in the case of fire.(这个警报是FSS Code中讲的两分钟后启动的)

从定义看,这个警报应该遍布控制中心,驾驶台,消防控制站,和火灾探测地点(a fire has been detected),这么看就很具体了,机舱如果布置了火灾探测系统,火灾报警系统也是必须的。(Fire detection alarm.

SOLAS引用FSS Code ,FSS Code 规定在控制板和指示位置出现声光报警(Fire detection alarm),2分钟后启动的报警仅仅要求听觉警报(Fire alarm)。这个叙述很容易让人混淆火灾报警和一般通用报警,事实上,很多船也这么布置,但是结合SOLAS公约及A.1021(26)来看,fire detection alarm和fire alarm是完全不一样的,PSCO的要求没错。


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