To love is to enter into the inevitability of one day not being able to protect what is most valuable to you. ——Mohsin Hamid, Exit West 主要是要创建一个range,注释写的很清楚 import React, { useState } from 'react' import { Input, message } from 'antd'; import './index.scss' export default ({ userInfomation = {}, type, isVisible, handleToggleLayer, jobName = '' }) => { const [tabType, setTabType] = useState(1) const tenantId = localStorage.getItem('tenantId') const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(`${window.location.href}`) const onChangeInput = e => { // console.log(e.currentTarget.value); const v = e.currentTarget.value setInputValue(v) }; //复制功能 const copylink = () => { // 在选择节点的时候,一定要只选择input const copyDOM = document.querySelector('.middel-layer input'); //需要复制文字的节点 const range = document.createRange(); //创建一个range window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); //清除页面中已有的selection range.selectNode(copyDOM); // 选中需要复制的节点 window.getSelection().addRange(range); // 执行选中元素 const successful = document.execCommand('copy'); // 执行 copy 操作 if (successful) { //; message.success('复制成功!') } else { message.warning('复制失败,请手动复制!') } // 移除选中的元素 window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } const onSelectInput = () => { copyAccessKey() document.querySelector('.middel-layer input').select() // 选中 } return <div className={`layer-container ${isVisible ? '' : 'isHidden'}`}> { type === 7 ? <div className='layer-content time-layer'> <div className='time-layer-top border-bo'> <div className='top-left'> <div className='top-item active-txt' onClick={() => setTabType(1)}> <span>链接分享</span> <i /> </div> </div> <div className='close-time-img iconfont iconpopup-close-bt' onClick={() => handleToggleLayer(false)} /> </div> <div className='share-item'> <div className='middel-layer'> <h4>分享职位:{jobName}</h4> <Input placeholder='链接' allowClear={false} onChange={e => onChangeInput(e)} prefix='链接' value={inputValue} onFocus={() => onSelectInput()} // defaultValue={inputValue} /> <p>可以将链接发送给你的微信、QQ等好友</p> </div> <div className='share-bottom-btn'> <span className='cancle-btn' onClick={() => handleToggleLayer(false)}>取消</span> <span onClick={() => copylink()}>复制链接</span> </div> </div> </div> : '' } </div> } ); }; 看一下效果图吧 ![]()
爱一个人,就不可避免地要面对有一天会失去心之所爱的风险。—— Mohsin Hamid, Exit West 文章来源:Biaofun标梵互动(https://www./) |