
美国女子成功成为24小时内完成徒手攀登 El Capitan的女性。英语读头条(第666期)

 新用户02986T3F 2020-12-22

'We should be less afraid to be afraid,' says Emily Harrington after historic El Capitan climb

Emily Harrington在创造历史地徒手登上El Capitan之后说,我们不应该过于害怕恐惧

By Ben Church/ Dec. 18, 2020

Edited and Translated by Ray & Sally

As she pulled herself over the summit of El CapitanEmily Harrington knew she had made history.
当艾米莉·哈林顿登上了El Capitan的山顶上时,她知道自己创造了历史。

It wasn't easy. The US climber had powered on through the dark and dealt with a deep cut to her head to become the first woman to free climb the iconic rock face's notoriously difficult Golden Gate route in under 24 hours.
notoriously: 众所周知的,臭名昭著的

The 34-year-old completed the mammoth task in 21 hours, 13 minutes and 51 seconds, and in doing so also became just the fourth woman to free climb the 3,200-foot monolith in Yosemite National Park within a day.

"I'd just fantasized about it and imagined what it would be like and it was pretty much exactly what I envisioned," an ebullient Harrington told CNN Sport.

"It was incredibly quiet. It was super dark. All the stars were out. It was just this really serene, peaceful experience.

"I keep telling people that when great sporting achievements happen, a lot of times there's an audience or there's a stadium.

"With climbing, it's not so much like that. It was just this really quiet special moment in this magical place. And it's something I'll never forget."

'Mental struggle'


Free climbers use just their hands and feet to climb, with a rope to catch them if they fall.

Such a high-stakes, and potentially life-threatening, challenge requires years of preparation, both mentally and physically.

Harrington had climbed this particular route over the course of six days in 2015 and had subsequently tried three times to complete it within 24 hours.

However, an attempt last year ended in disaster after Harrington fell 50 feet, hit her head on a ledge, and suffered concussion.

"It was very scary. It was very serious initially and it turned out that I got really lucky and I did not suffer any long-term injuries," she added.

"It's definitely a mental struggle, coming over that hurdle, coming back into this year and trying again."

Ever since she started climbing as a 10-year-old, El Capitan has enchanted Harrington. She's spent numerous hours practicing different pitches (various sections of a climbing wall) to become accustom to arguably the most famous rock in the world of climbing.
自从她10岁开始攀岩,El Capitan就迷住了哈灵顿。她花了大量的时间在攀岩墙的不同的高度进行练习,使她能够熟悉并适应去攀登这个被证明的世界上最著名的岩石。

In recent years, El Capitan has captured the public's imagination after Alex Honnold climbed it without a safety rope in the Oscar-winning documentary Free Solo, which was released in 2018.
近年来,在2018年上映的奥斯卡获奖纪录片《徒手攀登》中,展现了亚历克斯·霍诺尔德在没有安全绳的情况下爬上El Capitan,这引发了公众们的想象力。

Honnold was one of two people to help Harrington on her successful ascent, the other being her fiancee Adrian Ballinger -- an experienced climber and mountaineer.

Both climbers took turns assisting Harrington, with Honnold helping for the first two thirds of the climb.

The pair essentially "caterpillared" the wall, with Harrington attached to the top of the rope and Honnold to the bottom. The technique helps speed up the ascent, but is risky.

Ballinger then took over belaying duties on the harder, steeper sections near the top where Harrington knew she would have to slow down.

The couple then took it pitch by pitch, with Harrington waiting for her partner to catch up before taking on another section.

"He's been the one who supported me while I practiced on the wall," said Harrington of Ballinger.

"He's my partner in life as well and I just knew that it was going to get harder and I knew that it was going to get emotionally difficult. I just needed by my person there for me for that."

"We should be less afraid to be afraid. It's a very valid emotion and it's something we shouldn't shy away from. In a lot of ways, we can use it as fuel and as strength."




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