
美添音乐 Everyday music 《Snow (Hey oh)》

 E7音乐 2021-01-07



Everyday music


Standing in line


To see the show tonight


And there's a light on


Heavy glow


By the way I tried to say


——红辣椒乐队《By The Way》

名:《Snow (Hey oh)》

歌者 Red Hot Chili Peppers

词曲:Red Hot Chili Peppers




[Verse 1: Anthony Kiedis]

Come to decide that the things that I tried

Were in my life just to get high on

When I sit alone, come get a little known

But I need more than myself this time

Step from the road to the sea to the sky

And I do believe that we rely on

When I lay it on, come get to play it on

All my life to sacrifice

[Refrain: Anthony Kiedis]

Hey, oh

Listen what I say, oh

I got your hey, oh

Now listen what I say, oh

[Verse 2: Anthony Kiedis]

When will I know that I really can't go

To the well once more time to decide on

When it's killing me, when will I really see

All that I need to look inside?

Come to believe that I better not leave

Before I get my chance to ride

When it's killing me, what do I really need

All that I need to look inside?

[Refrain: Anthony Kiedis]

Hey, oh

Listen what I say, oh

Come back and hey, oh

Look at what I say, oh

[Pre-Chorus: Anthony Kiedis]

The more I see, the less I know

The more I like to let it go

Hey oh, whoa-whoa

[Chorus: Anthony Kiedis]

Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder

Where it's so white as snow

Privately divided by a world so undecided

And there's nowhere to go

In between the cover of another perfect wonder

And it's so white as snow

Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed

And there's nowhere to go


[Verse 3: Anthony Kiedis]

When to descend to amend for a friend

All the channels that have broken down

Now you bring it up, I'm gonna ring it up

Just to hear you sing it out

Step from the road to the sea to the sky

And I do believe what we rely on

When I lay it on, come get to play it on

All my life to sacrifice

[Refrain: Anthony Kiedis]

Hey, oh

Listen what I say, oh

I got your hey, oh

Listen what I say, oh

[Pre-Chorus: Anthony Kiedis]

The more I see, the less I know

The more I like to let it go

Hey oh, whoa-whoa

[Chorus: Anthony Kiedis]

Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder

Where it's so white as snow

Privately divided by a world so undecided

And there's nowhere to go

In between the cover of another perfect wonder

Where it's so white as snow

Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed

And there's nowhere to go

[Bridge: Anthony Kiedis & John Frusciante]

I said hey, hey yeah

Oh yeah, tell my love now

Hey, hey yeah

Oh yeah, tell my love now

[Chorus: Anthony Kiedis]

Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder

Where it's so white as snow

Privately divided by a world so undecided

And there's nowhere to go

Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder

Where it's so white as snow

Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed

And there's nowhere to go

[Outro: Anthony Kiedis & John Frusciante]

I said hey, oh yeah (Ooh)

Oh yeah, tell my love now (Ooh)

Hey, hey yeah, oh yeah (Ooh-ooh-ooh)





今晚分享一首来自红辣椒(Red Hot Chili Peppers)乐队的《Snow (Hey oh)》。

红辣椒乐队成立于1983年,是美国洛杉矶的摇滚乐队。音乐风格融合了许多流派,包括 Funk rock, Alternative rock, Punk rock和Rap rock。

主唱Anthony Kiedis,1962年11月1日出生在密歇根州的大急流城。3岁时父母离异。此后,他和母亲佩吉住在密歇根州,并去加利福尼亚州看望父亲。Kiedis的父亲主要靠卖毒品赚钱,但也涉足演艺事业。和父亲在一起时,Kiedis接触了洛杉矶的俱乐部,在那里他有机会看到老鹰队、尼尔·杨、深紫乐队和罗德·斯图尔特等摇滚歌手的表演。从小反对权威,曾被加州大学洛杉矶分校录取,但对大学生活没有多少兴趣。

1982年,Kiedis与朋友Slovak(吉他手)和Flea组建了一个乐队——尽管他们已经在不同的乐队——第二年,Jack Irons担任鼓手。这支后来被称为“红辣椒”(Red Hot Chili Peppers)的乐队在洛杉矶的夜店里很受欢迎。1984年,他们以自己名字命名的首张专辑销量不佳,但他们开始通过充满活力的现场表演吸引大批追随者。红辣椒一直以反叛者的形象存在,他们甚至只穿着精心摆放在重点部位的筒袜表演了几次。

(Hillel Slovak)
1988年,乐队26岁的吉他手Hillel Slovak,因过量使用海洛因死亡。此后几次更换吉他手。
后来接任的吉他手John Frusciante,视Hillel为偶像。1992年,在巡演进行到一半时离开了乐队。1998年回归,2009年离开单飞,后来2019年又回归。
(Chad Smith)
2013年,乐队鼓手查德·史密斯(Chad Smith)本来想拿巴西粉丝送的礼物(弗拉门戈俱乐部的球衣)开个玩笑,但让俱乐部的球迷感觉受到了很大的侮辱,当乐队要在里约热内卢举行一场大型音乐会前夕,俱乐部的球迷扬言要向这个鼓手扔石头,甚至威胁他的生命,以此来为俱乐部受损的荣誉报仇。而在2003年,他一年让三个女人生了孩子。
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