英语中很多语法都不是孤立存在的,单词也类似。记忆单词要找规律,有的时候可以事半功倍,而且很容易形成长期不脱落的记忆链条。在英语中,跟动词短语不一样,短语动词是动词加上小品词(介词副词),它们用来改变动词的意思。许多短语动词可以变成名词,也即很多时候只要你掌握了一个短语动词,那么就有可能又多学会了一个名词。短语动词变成名词的构词方式通常是去掉中间的空格、在动词与小品词之间加上破折号“-”或者去掉空格后对调动词和小品词的位置,常见的有:The storm caused a blackout of several hours.The judge imposed a news blackout during the trial. I had to call the breakdown recovery service when the electrics failed in my car.当我车里的电器出故障时,我不得不打电话给故障恢复中心。The breakdown in the talks happened because the two sides couldn’t agree on anything.Can you get me a breakdown of our costs?How many people suffer from nervous breakdowns every year?break in→break-in 破门而入,闯入,入室偷窃burn out→burnout 精疲力竭,过度劳累If you don’t take enough time off, you risk burnout.check up→check-up 检查,(尤指)体格检查I’m going for a check-up tomorrow.come back→comeback 复出,东山再起The band are trying to make a comeback with their new tour and album.crack down→crackdown 严厉的打击,镇压The school is having a crackdown on behaviour, and they’re giving lots more detentions.学校正在对学生的行为进行打击,他们将给予更多的拘留。 turn down→downturn (商业经济的)衰退,下降,衰退期The economic downturn meant that many companies made less profit.Make sure you revise for your exams – you don’t want to be a dropout!Even though the accident was years ago, I still get flashbacks.There is even a flashback to the murder itself.Many people depend on state handouts to buy food and other essentials.The teachers always give us handouts with the lesson notes on them.He grew up in a very repressed family and he has lots of hang-ups.kick off→kick-off (足球赛的)开球,开赛 let down→let-down 令人失望的事,失望,沮丧I was looking forward to seeing the film for ages, but it was a bit of a let-down.make over→makeover (外观的)改进,改善;修饰;翻新House makeover programmes are very popular at the moment.Once a year the company has a meet-up in an exotic location.break out→outbreak (暴力、疾病等坏事的)爆发,突然发生Outbreaks of rain are expected in the afternoon.burst out→outburst (尤指愤怒等感情的)爆发,迸发 His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd. If we want a different outcome, I think we should do it differently.如果我们想要一个不同的结果,我认为我们应该做得不同。rip off→rip-off 索价过高(或物非所值)的东西,仿制品,冒牌货£40 for a ticket is a complete rip-off!The police acted on a tip-off and arrested the suspect as he was having dinner in a restaurant.警方接到举报后采取行动,逮捕了正在餐馆吃饭的嫌疑犯。turn over→turnover (一定时期内的)营业额,成交量Our turnover is up, but our profits are down.work around→workaround 应变方法,变通方法We don’t have the resources to fully research the problem, but we’ve found a workaround for now.我们没有足够的资源来全面研究这个问题,但我们已经找到了一个解决办法。因此在学习短语动词的时候,如果有对应的名词,就顺带学习一下,掌握了这个潜在的规律,词汇量就有可能成倍增加。