

 世界很大不想转 2021-01-30



(    )1.Is this the computer room? ______________

A. Yes, we do.      B. No, it is.    C. No, it isnt.

(    )2.How many ______ are there in your school?

A. student   B. students     C. book

(    )3._____ way, please.

A. This  B. That  C. This is

(    )4.Welcome _____ our school!

A. on      B. in      C. to

(    )5.We can read books in the ______.

A. library    B.TV room       C. gym


   1、 Alibrary     Bgarden          Ccomputer

   2、 Alunch       BEnglish class   Cmusic class

   3、 Ateachers office      Bfirst    Csecond

   4、 Acold       Bcool         Cdinner

   5、 Adinner     Blunch        Cfootball


play ground     hot    PE class    sister    go to bed

1.Today is so           .2015-2016学年小学四年级英语第二学期期中试题(人教版)

2. It’s 9:00 pm.It’s time to                .2015-2016学年小学四年级英语第二学期期中试题(人教版)

3.It’s time for             .Let’s jump and run.

4.That is our              .2015-2016学年小学四年级英语第二学期期中试题(人教版)

5.My           2015-2016学年小学四年级英语第二学期期中试题(人教版) is tall. I am short.



A. Whats the weather like in Xiamen?      B. Wheres the library?


A.This way,please.      B. Welcome to our school.


A . Mum,can I go outside?     B. Mum,can I have some soup?


A.Hello. This is Mark.        B. Hello. I am Mark.


A.What colour is it?    B. What time is it?

十、阅读理解,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。( 10分)

HelloMy name is Sarah. I am ten years old. I go to YuCai school. Our school is very big. We have a big playground and a beautiful garden. We have a big library, too. We can  read books in the library. But we do not have a gym. I am in Class 1, Grade 4.My classroom is on the second floor. I  like our schoolIt is beautiful.

   1Sarah is 10.

   2The school is small.

   3The playground is big.

   4There is a gym at school.

   5Sarahs classroom is on the second floor.

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