

 Albert说英闻 2021-03-07





Financial Times:

Women in Saudi Arabia took to the roads for the first time on Sunday as a decades-long ban on female drivers was lifted, a landmark moment for women who previously had been forced to depend on men for their movement.

Shortly after midnight, women grabbed the steering wheel in cities across the nation amid the noticeable presence of police cars lining the sides of big roads. “We are all your brothers,” read billboards welcoming the new female drivers.


NBC News:

Saudi women are in the driver's seat for the first time in their country and steering their way through busy city streets just minutes after the world's last remaining ban on women driving was lifted on Sunday.

It's a euphoric and historic moment for women who have had to rely on their husbands, fathers, brothers and drivers to run basic errands, get to work, visit friends or even drop kids off at school. The ban had relegated women to the backseat, restricting when and how they move around.

take to the road 上路,启程,动身

decades-long 长达数十年的

ban 禁令

lift 解除,撤除

landmark moment 非常重要的时刻

steering wheel 方向盘

noticeable 显而易见到

line 沿…排列成行

billboard 广告牌

steer 驾驶

euphoric 狂喜的;兴高采烈的

errand 跑腿;差使;差事

drop off 送下车

relegate 使降级;使降低地位

backseat 后座

restrict 限制;约束

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