安妮·克里斯汀·罗达(Anna-Christine RODA,1974) 安妮·克里斯汀·罗达(Anne- Christine Roda)对肖像进行了高度原始的绘画诠释:在她的作品中,这些画完全服从了人类脆弱性的刻画。 她的画作在选择模特时应采用的姿势以及对背景的中性处理都植根于传统,因为她的题材毫无疑问地符合我们的当下的时代。她选择的题材直接反应了我们的日常生活。 她画中模特的年龄和社会地位各异,个性鲜明。然而,除了个人之外,它们的多样性还代表了马赛克的不同碎片,这些碎片结合在一起,揭示出了生命脉动的人类形象。通过这种共同的人性,每幅肖像都具有瞬间使观众产生回忆的力量,这是最私人的回忆。 安妮·克里斯汀的每一层精心涂抹的油墨逐渐刻画出画中的一个个亲密的面孔,画面精确而真实:细腻的皱纹、头发的质地、甚至是闪闪发亮的眼睛。 在处理每张脸时使用的精确技术也延伸到画中人物的身体和衣服上。后者通过褶皱T恤的折痕、紧身胸衣上的精美刺绣、简单的纹身,牢固地融入了我们的时代。 这是一个摄影摄像的时代,预示着人物写实肖像的衰落,但安妮·克里斯汀(Anne Christine)创作的肖像,这最终证明了,在深入探究自己艺术形式时,立足于传统的传承,但是又提升传统在新时代的诠释。 Annie Rodda offers a highly original interpretation of the portraits: In her work, they are completely subservient to the depiction of human vulnerability.
、The posture in which she chooses her models and the neutral treatment of the background are rooted in tradition, because her subject matter is unquestionably contemporary. Her choice of subject matter directly reflects our daily life.
、The age and social status of the models in her paintings are different, with distinct personalities. However, in addition to individuals, their diversity also represents different fragments of the mosaic, which are combined, 、Reveal the human figure in the pulse of life. Through this common humanity, each portrait has the power to instantly evoke the viewer's memories, the most personal. Each layer of Annie's carefully applied ink gradually reveals intimate faces, accurate and true: fine lines, the texture of hair, even sparkling eyes. The precise techniques used to process each face also extend to the bodies and clothing of the figures in the painting. The latter is firmly embedded in our time through the creases of pleated t shirts, elaborate embroidery on Corsets, and simple tattoos. |