本文摘自期刊-食品与药品 作者- 魏翠翠 国内外肠内营养制剂调查报告 本文结果显示 肠内营养制剂产品中碳水化合物占能比55%、蛋白质占能比12%、脂肪占能比29%、碳氮比115、能量密度1.0 kcal/ml和渗透压300 mOsm/L出现频次最多。 图2 肠内营养制剂的脂肪所占能量比直方图(n=167) 图3 肠内营养制剂的蛋白质所占能量比直方图(n=183) 参考文献 [1]De Aguilar-Nascimento J E, Kudsk K A. Early nutritional therapy:the role of enteral and parenteral routes[J]. Curr Opin Clin NutrMetab Care, 2008, 11(3): 255-260. [2]Gramlich L, Kichian K, Pinilla J, et al . Does enteral nutritioncompared to parenteral nutrition result in better outcomes incritically ill adult patients. A systematic rewiew of the literature[J].Nutrition, 2004, 20(1): 843-848. [3]http://183197./Category_378285_1.html. [4]http://www./index.phpmod=product. [5] http://www./show-zs-14700.aspx. [6] http://www. nutricia.com/ [7] 吴园涛,孙恢礼,李君 . 海洋生物型肠内营养制剂的研究进展[J]. 肠外与肠内营养, 2007,5(14):301. [8] Stehr S N, Heller A R. Omega-3 fatty acid effects on biochemicalindices following cancer surgery[J]. Clinica Chimica Acta , 2006,373 (1-2): 1-8. [9] Mayer K, Seeger W. Fish oil in critical illness[J]. Curr Opin ClinNutr Metab Care, 2008, 11(2): 121-127. [10] 郭光华,邓志云,王艳霞,等 . 肠内营养添加谷氨酰胺对烧伤患者的免疫调理作用 [J].中华烧伤杂志, 2007,23(6):406-408. [11]Wernerman J.Role of glutamine supplementation in critically illpatients[J]. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol, 2008, 21(2): 155-159. [12] 秦利荣,钱珊珊 . 南京地区 24家医院 2003~2006 年肠内营养和肠外营养制剂应用分析 [J]. 中国药房, 2007,18(17):1312-1313. [13] Marik P E, Zaloga G P. Early enteral nutrition in acutelyillpatients; a systematic review[J]. Crit Care Med , 2001, 29(12):2264-2270. [14] Moyes L H, McKee R F. A review of surgical nutrition[J]. ScottMed J, 2008, 53(1): 38-43. [15] DeLegge M H. Enteral feeding[J]. Curr Opin Gastroenterol, 2008,24(2): 184-189. [16] Roy S, Rigal M, Doit C, et al. Bacterial contamination of enteralnutrition in a paediatric hospital[J]. J Hosp Infect, 2005,59(4):311-316. [17] 蔡冰娜,孙恢礼,吴园涛,等 . 临床营养制剂灭菌工艺研究进展[J]. 今日药学, 2008,18(3):6-7. |