
【少儿慢速英语02】《At School 在学校》

 YOU英语 2021-04-29


At school, I say “Hello!”

At school, I say “Good-bye!”

At school, I write in my workbook.

At school, I clean up.

At school, I paint pictures.

At school, I play games.

At school, I read books.

At school, I sing and dance.

Now I’ll say the sentences at a normal speed. If you’re familiar with the sentences, you can try to follow me and imitate.


say “Hello!”    打招呼

say “Good-bye!”    说再见

write in my workbook    做练习

clean up    打扫卫生

paint pictures    画画

play games    做游戏

read books    看书

sing and dance    唱歌跳舞

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