
日课|英文故事:Talking Trees

 YOU英语 2021-04-29



The Kitten

“Meow! Meow!” The cries came from a tall tree on Marvin Street.
Kids stopped playing hide and seek. They stopped playing tag. Everyone ran over to the tree. “It's a kitten,” Ron said. “We have to save her!”
Ron tried to climb the tree. It was too tall. Susan got a ladder from her house. She tried to reach the kitten. The ladder was too short.
Finally, Joe had an idea. “I’ll call the fire department,” he said. The fire truck arrived. One man put up a tall ladder. He climbed to the top and rescued the kitten.
“Meow! Meow!” cried the kitten. The firefighter held the kitten. Ron and Susan and Joe got to pet it. Then there was another cry.
“My kitty!” said Mrs. Miller. “Was she on fire?”



  1. hide and seek 树林,林子

  2. tag 捉人游戏

  3. ladder 小屋

  4. reach 能伸到;够得着

  5. finally 最后

  6. fire department 消防局

  7. fire truck 消防车

  8. rescue 营救;援救;抢救 

  9. firefighter 消防队员

  10. on fire 着火;起火

Mrs. Miller thinks her kitten is on fire . . .
a. because a firefighter is holding it.
b. because she sees flames.
c. because the tree is on fire.
d. because the hose is on.

Now it's your time to open your mouth and follow me! 张开嘴巴跟着录音练起来!

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