CLINICAL HISTORY 38-year-old with knee pain while playing basketball. Fig. 96A Fig. 96B FINDINGS Lateral radiograph of the right knee (Fig. 96A) demonstrates patella alta and focal deficiency (arrow) in the proximal patellar tendon; distal patellar tendon is somewhat wavy. Long-axis gray-scale sonographic image of the right knee (Fig. 96B) demonstrates complete loss of continuity of the normal fibrillar echotexture of the proximal patellar tendon. Long arrows depict the tear edges. Short arrows depict intact tendon, which appears somewhat thickened and wavy because of loss of normal tensile stress; an element of tendinosis may also be present. DIAGNOSIS Patellar tendon rupture. Notes: 1. patellar /pə'telə/ /pə'telə/ adj. 膝盖骨的,髌骨的 2. tendon /'tendən/ /'tɛndən/ n. 腱,韧带 3. patellar tendon 髌腱,髌韧带 4. tensile stress 张力、应力 5. tendinosis 退化,退行性变(chronic tendinitis)慢性肌腱炎 6. quadriceps /'kwɒdrɪseps/ /'kwɑdrəsɛps/ n. 四头肌 Extensive 1. What is jumper’s knee? Jumper’s knee refers to tendinosis of the proximal patellar tendon. Repetitive strong quadriceps contractions in the setting of a flexed knee, as may be seen in jumping sports such as basketball, in excess of the tensile strength of the tendon and at a rate greater than the tendon’s normal ability to heal itself result in a dysregulated healing response, that ultimately lead to derangement of the normal fibrillar architecture of the tendon. For reasons that are poorly understood, this almost always occurs at the proximal end of the tendon and begins at the deep border of the tendon. Paralleling the progression of tendinosis, tears begin at the deep border of the tendon. The pediatric version of jumper’s knee is Sinding-Larsen-Johansson syndrome, which is characterized by repetitive microtrauma to the proximal patellar tendon in the setting of a still partially cartilaginous inferior patellar pole; this condition typically occurs in active 10- to 15-year-olds. The usual findings of tendinosis are present with additional intratendinous ossifications possibly representing small avulsed fragments from the inferior patellar pole. 来源:每天朗读一段医学影像学英语文章 圈主 深圳市人民医院放射科副主任医师杨敏洁 |