
在读书中发现地球与我的联结感 Reading this, I feel connected to the Earth

 GEO与此同时 2021-05-27
This original letter is contributed by

People who love the Earth and books

Cover photo made by Hermione using Keynote

To whoever loves the Earth and books

Welcome to the launch of an online event connecting Earth Day and World Book Day——

Reading this, I feel connected to the Earth


Like you, I also love this blue marble and can always get recharged from reading. I know to people like us, in fact we everyday is earthday and bookday since we just cannot stop reading and caring about our planet. However, this year is special as many of us cannot meet anyone who does not live with us, easier to feel isolated. I, therefore, would like to make full use of "Earth Day" and "World Book Day" to start an online event to share the books we read, let us feel we are aparted but connected.


I have invited some readers I know to share a book that they feel connected to the Earth when reading. With their consent, I am going to share their books with you. I am also looking forward to hear from you:
When was the last time you feel connected to the Earth, what was the book you were reading?

I hope you will not feel pressured but empowered to raise your voice for sharing the book you like to other booklovers who live on this planet. Let's start our wonderful journey now:

《Letters of Note》



《The Secret Life of Trees》


《For Space》

《Intervention of the other》

《Letters of Note》

screenshot from: https://www./book/show/18078311-letters-of-note
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

4.34/4 by 4,503 ratings and 546 reviews at goodreads


Although this book does not have a Chinese version yet, but on a website where Chinese readers rate books and write reviews, this book has a page (although the editor was put as author, which is a mistake):
9.1/10 by 28 ratings and 12 reviews

screenshot from: https://book.douban.com/subject/24833322/
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

Hermione's note with the book:
This morning, I woke up and saw the sunlight just arrived at the book on my shelf. I took it as my breakfast companion. To be honest, I have not finished the book yet. But to me, this book can never be finished and there is no need to rush. And I still remember the first letter I read: 

Photo by Hermione on 23rd April 2020

I have felt connected to the Earth not just because this portrait of planet earth. This portait is also used as the first page of first topic- The Earth in the Universe- in the Geography Textbook for upper secondary school students in Shanghai, I knew it so well as I taught them the story behind this portrait and read the first page of this letter in my geography class. 

(In case you are interested in the Chinese version, I cannot trace the translator but I know many Chinese webpages have the translated letter, I will share one link at the end of my Chinese notes)

It is the letter that helped me in realising: the noblest cause of helping other human beings in need are not just solving the poverty we can see, not just medical workers cure the disease, and also scientists to explore our visions to the unknown space. The space "holds out a mirror which we can see ourselves", and "provides us with the technologies, the challenge, the motivation, and even with the optimism to attack these tasks with confidence".

From my perspective, that is why we begin geography with locating our planet in upper secondary school: geographers want to educate the younger generations the significance of planet Earth so they can appreciate more and imagine all the possiblities of their relationship with Earth.

Photo by Hermione on 23rd April 2020








For now there is no Chinese translation, but there is a website:


My senior colleague Victor (currently international students in UK, from Chile) thinks of this book:

screenshot from: https://www./book/show/234225.Dune
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

screenshot from: https://book.douban.com/subject/1481311/
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

Hermione's short summary:
Comparing to its goodreads rating (4.34/5 by 689,469 ratings and 19,349 reviews), its douban rating (8.6/10 by 3806 ratings and 1559 reviews) are lower, I have not yet read the book but based on this rating, I guess it would be better to read the original English book if you can.
Victor's note:
The book I'd like to share is about a story out of this world. "Dune" is a game-of-thrones like space opera staging warring houses, political intrigue and space travel that is only possible because the spice. The most important commodity in the universe that can only be found in the planet Arrakis or commonly known as Dune. Thus, the main character of the book is ultimetly the planet and its ecology. Its harsh climate and desert like landscape that shaped the culture of its people -the Fremen- and the particular religiosity they have in connection with the future of the planet. Dune is a piece of science fiction that we all need to read to understand the scale of the changes ahead to find balance again in our planet.

Photo by Victor on 22nd April 2020
我想分享的这本书是在这个世界里发生的故事。 “沙丘”是权力的游戏在太空的歌剧版,交战家族、政治阴谋和太空旅行交织上演,而这一切都是因为香料,这种全宇宙中最重要的商品,只能在行星阿拉吉斯——“沙丘”星中找到。因此,这本书的主要特征恰恰是行星及其生态。 恶劣的气候和沙漠般的景观塑造了居于其中的人民的文化-弗瑞曼人-以及他们与星球未来有关的特殊宗教信仰。 沙丘是一部科幻小说,我们大家都需要阅读它来了解未来变化的尺度,以便在我们自己的星球上再次找到平衡。
(the Chinese is translated by Hermione; 中文译者:陶理)


screenshot from: https://book.douban.com/subject/20427187/
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

Rock is an undergraduate normal student in China, majoring in geography. We knew each other through this wechat platform. She sent me this book and her thoughts in Chinese and English:


是在初三的时候,读到了柴静的《看见》,里面有一章是《山西 山西》,里面的文字至今还令我印象深刻。









Photo by Rock on 23rd April 2020

Seeing such a topic, the first person that comes to my mind is Chai Jing.

It was in the third year of my junior high school that I read Chai Jing's 看见(Kanjian), a chapter of which is "山西 山西(Shanxi Shanxi)", and the words in it still impress me to this day.

Polluted river water, soil, groundwater .......

Unseen blue skies and people's coughing.......

And the problems of economic development and environmental governance........

In the third year of my junior high school, especially in late fall and early spring, the daily haze was so severe that it was almost impossible to do morning exercises, take morning runs and have outdoor PE classes. You should know that in the third year of junior high school, we have to face PE examinations, so the most direct effect on us is that we can not practice 800m and 1000m endurance running.

Later, in the first year of my senior high school, when a geography class was about to end, the teacher introduced us to the documentary film Under the Dome by Chai Jing and also played a few minutes. I immediately remembered the article in the book 看见(Kanjian) that I read last year and the pollution situation presented in the text of the book was immediately intuitive and real before my eyes. 

In the past, we used to think that the foggy days in winter were just because they were covered in fog, but how many of those days were actually just fog? How many days are haze?

The two years I saw Chai Jing's article and documentary were two of the worst years of hazy weather in my memory. Later, the air quality slowly improved little by little with the efforts to combat atmospheric pollution. I think that her article and video can be said to have aroused public awareness of environmental protection and to a certain extent, to promote the fight against atmospheric pollution.

The atmospheric problem is just one of the world's environmental problems. As individuals who live on the earth, we need to really care about the earth, and to love the earth is to love every one of us.

Hermione's additional message for English readers:
I read this book when I was in my undergraduate days too. However, none of us find the English version of the book, so I am sorry to English readers, this maybe a good motivation for you to learn Chinese. Feel free to know the author via her wikipedia: https://en./wiki/Chai_Jing

No sign of English publication, but the wikipedia provided the translation of the book's information:
Chai Jing. (2013). Kanjian or Insight Autobiography. (Chinese:看见). Guangxi Normal University Press.

《The Secret Life of Trees》

My friend Alice is a primary school teacher here in UK. And this is the book comes to her mind:

screenshot from: https://www./book/show/811596.The_Secret_Life_of_Trees
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

screenshot from: https://book.douban.com/subject/26423783/
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

Hermione's short summary:
Comparing to its goodreads rating (4.02/5 by 388 ratings and 44 reviews), its douban rating (8.1/10 by 129 ratings and 4 reviews) are lower, I have not yet read the book but based on this rating, I guess it would be better that you can compare Chinese and English together.

And I accidently found a similar book(and with a higher rating in the Chinese translation):

screenshot from:  https://book.douban.com/subject/27025200/
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

8.9/10 by 86 ratings and 12 reviews   


screenshot from: https://www./book/show/28256439-the-hidden-life-of-trees
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

4.06/5 by 30,156 ratings and 4,056 reviews   


The introduction of the translator makes me feel like this will be a quality translation as she has two geography degrees and edited geography textbooks. She focuses on environment issues, love reading, travelling and the nature. Currently she lives in Germany and teaches Chinese and do translation.


VV is a master student in science education. We knew each other through this wechat platform and met at an offline reading club I organised last July in Shanghai.

screenshot from: https://book.douban.com/subject/30116399/
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)





Photo by VV on 23rd April 2020

Hermione's words for English readers:
This book is written by an anthropologist, there is a page of his works on goodreads, I would say Transcending Boundaries. Zhejiangcun: The Story of a Migrant Village in Beijing is a hidden gem for English readers who want to learn about migration in contemporary China.

screenshot from: https://www./search?q=xiang+biao&qid=guJUFQDw5c
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

Hermione's translation of vv's book review:

In February, I read the anthropologist Xiang Biao's Transcending Boundaries, which recorded the detalied life history of "Zhejiangcun" in Beijing, especially the complex process of informal authority formation in the community, including big names and gangs, as well as the inextricable relationship between governments at all levels. Xiang Biao is from Wenzhou, and I am also from Mr. Xiang ’s hometown (but in different counties). From the book, I can truly feel the qualities of Wenzhou people who dare to fight and help each other. I was reading this book during the epidemic, and Wenzhou's population mobility domestic and abroad is very prominent. The number of diagnoses was the highest outside Hubei Province, and because of its strong self-help and mutual assistance capabilities, we successfully passed the difficulty. This book, therefore, gives me a sense of reflection in the past and the present, but the difficulties are different.

One of the key words of this book is "mobility". From the development of this epidemic, we can also feel the unprecedented danger of the possibility of high-speed movements around the world. Professor Xiang mentioned in his interview with Paper News: after the epidemic, we have to reconsider the combination of different flows and the distribution of flow opportunities. Combining the epidemic situation, we can see the complex meaning of "flow". Therefore, this book may provide the possibility for those who have ended or have not yet completed the "stoppage of work and school" to consider the rich revelation of this global public health event from a unique perspective.

The biggest influence this book has had on me is the discovery of the charm of anthropology and ethnography. Since Transcending Boundaries, I started reading the works of anthropologists to understand the research and writing methods of ethnography. Studying natural sciences may make people appreciate the beauty of reason; studying philosophy may make people enjoy the energy of speculation. As for anthropology, I began to discover the complexity and delicateness of human life. The communities living in every corner of the earth have their own custom rituals, order of life, and discourse system. We are so different. As human beings on earth, we, again, are so similar. The separation of time and space makes the Earth more diverse and wonderful, and the "flow" and communication also make every part of the Earth closely connected.

《For Space》

我和赵老师(豆瓣 @短章)联系的时候他说要推荐Dorren Massey的书,并且还分享了一篇他之前接受的三联专访(“85后”的日常阅读 11丨赵益民:大卫·哈维的书让我感触最深),这里面也有提到For Space(考虑到版权和原创性,我就不搬运了,感兴趣可以点进去看,在采访中段)但据我目前所知,这本书好像还没有中文版。

Dr. Zhao is famous in Douban, known as Duanzhang. It is easy to find his book review as he has a good habit of sharing his thoughts on Douban. getHe also had an interview sharing about his daily read, For Space also get mentioned as one of his personal inspirational books. Sadly, the review only available in Chinese. Sorry to my English readers. The book he wants to share is: Doreen Massey's For Space

screenshot from: https://www./search?q=xiang+biao&qid=guJUFQDw5c
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

screenshot from: https://book.douban.com/subject/2174090/
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

In view of his copyright, I made the screenshot of his douban review.


对于我的读者(大部分应该不是专门做城市和批判理论研究的),考虑到这个阅读平台(不是学术探讨就是有着普通的、广泛的阅读兴趣),我在这里引用艺术家Olafur Eliasson的描述,帮助还不太了解多琳·玛西(Doreen Massey)的普通读者来了解一下这本书为什么不做学术研究的大多数人也值得一读:

我对这本书充满热情的原因是Doreen Massey描述了一种感知空间中流动的特定方式,而这种方式在我的工作中也一直都在不同层次中存在着:空间不是静止的、中性的、冰冻的实体,而是和时间交织在一起从而不断变化着的,这也是为什么我们并不拥有空间。Doreen清晰具体地描述了她在英格兰的经历,同时她又非常敏锐地勾勒了空间的特征,使其不至沦为一种乌托邦的念想或者思乡愁绪。

Hermione's words:

For my readers (most of them who are not specialising in urban/city and crticial theories), and considering of this platform we are using is not academic but for general and ordinary reading interest, I would like to quote the description from an artist Olafur Eliasson:

The reason for my enthusiasm for this book is that Doreen Massey manages to describe a certain way of perceiving movement in space which I have been - and still am - working with on different levels in my work: i.e. the idea that space is not something static and neutral, a frozen entity, but is something intertwined with time and thus ever changing - also when we are not occupying it. Doreen's descriptions of her journey through England for example are clear and precise accounts of this idea, and she very sharply characterizes the attempts not to recognize this idea as utopian and nostalgic.


其实在赵老师决定分享For Space这本书之前,他还和我提到了一篇Doreen Massey在1991年6月发表的文章:
A Global Sense of Place (地方的全球感)
In fact before Dr. Zhao decided to share the book For Space, he also mentioned to me an article by Doreen Massey in 1991: 
A Global Sense of Place

This article is one of my favourite too, and I even translated part of it in a book I edited, so I am here to put the link:

以及随信附上Doreen Massey的维基百科页面:
And I also want to attach the wikipedia of Doreen Massey:

 《Intervention of the other》

screenshot from: https://www./book/show/262631.Intervention_of_the_Other
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

screenshot from: https://book.douban.com/subject/2556513/
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

screenshot from: https://book.douban.com/subject/3741260/
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

This book is not yet translated but here is a English book by the same author:

screenshot from: https://www./book/show/19875424-insights-into-chinese-culture
(time accessed: 23rd April 2020)

Xiaoliao (Douban @Xiaoliao) read two books and wrote down her thoughts in both Chinese and English:

今天推荐最近在看的两本看似没什么关系但读完便会觉得紧密相关的书。第一本书是David Ross Fryer比较拉康和列维纳斯理论的<The Intervention of the Other>。第二本是叶朗的美学导读《美学原理》。





The two books that I would like to recommend are David Ross Fryer’s The Intervention of the other and Ye Lang (叶朗)’s Principles of Aesthetics (《美学原理》in Chinese). The first book is a theoretical comparison between psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas, and the second one is an introduction book for aesthetics theories. The two books appear to have no relevance at the first sight, but the readers are able to draw their connections once they finish reading them. 
As a foundation of Western philosophy, Descartes’ 'mind-body’ dualism has influenced how we understand and approach the world, by creating a binary relation between the 'I’ and the 'other’[1]. Examples of such dichotomy include the 'us-them’, 'heterosexuality – homosexuality’, 'men-women’ and 'us-nature’ relations. What Descartes was also saying is that, the former item of the binary relation should dominate the latter, due to its superiority. As a result, it to a certain extent legitimises the domination of men over women, of human over nature as well as racial and sexuality discriminations in the past few centuries.  To Lévinas, Western philosophy is the philosophy of ontology, which eventually aims to reduce the 'other’ to the same, in order to have it incorporated into the 'self’. In contrast, metaphysics is able to fully incorporate the other without such reduction. Lévinas gave two examples. The first example refers to how in the story of Odyssey, Ulysses returned home following a long time spent on the lands of 'the other’. The returning to home symbolises the returning to the self or to the same. The second example refers to when Abraham was called by the God to leave his hometown and embarks a journey to a far distant island, instead of resenting, he happily accepted the call. The first story is a story of ontology philosophy, whereas the second is a story of metaphysics which surpasses and transcendences the 'self’.
We can therefore turn our attention to the second book Principles of Aesthetics. The book differs from a conventional book on aesthetics written by Western philosophers. Even though it talks about the 'mind-body’ dichotomy when speaking about the experience of aesthetics in relation to beauty, the book eventually aims to break away from such mode of thinking and thereby incorporates what the Chinese refers to as 'the unity of heaven and the man’ ('天人合一’). Ye’s aesthetic theories can be viewed as an extension of theories by early theorists Zhu Guangqian(朱光潜) and Zong baihua(宗白华). To a certain extent, it also aligns with Lévinas’ criticisms toward Western ontology, as well as Heidegger’s phenomenology. In Heidegger’s terms, the “mind-body” and “the unity of heaven and the man” are two ways of 'revealing’ the world. Akin to technology, the former sets a subject-object distinction. On the other hand, the latter is similar to what Heidegger calls 'genuine poetry’. Ye thinks that due to the nature of aesthetic experience, which is non-utilitarian, intuitive, creative and transcendental, we are only able to experience beauty by entering the state of “the unity of heaven and the man”. The same argument also extends to how we view the environment and nature. If we are only able to see nature in a utilitarian way, we will fall into the Cartesian thinking and post the danger of damaging the 'other’ (which is the environment in this case) in order to fulfil the 'self’.
When we return to the first book, we will realise that when Lévinas talks about the 'other’, it is in fact a discussion on ethics. As a Jewish philosopher, his thinking and research on the topic started after witnessing the deadly oppressions that Jewish people, as the 'other’ to Germans, faced in Europe. To a certain degree, both Lévinas’ research project and Ye’s book are studies of ethics: How should 'self’ face the 'other’? When Lévinas talks about that we should fully accept the alterity of the 'other’, it is in fact very similar to what the Chinese talk about 'harmony in diversity’ ('和而不同’).  Perhaps, in order to fully address the environmental problem, we should have a paradigm shift, or even an épistémè shift – from the 'mind-body’ dichotomy to the 'heaven-man’ unity. Perhaps, we can use Chinese philosophy as the foundation of our discussion on environmental issues. From Zhuangzi (庄子)’s ecstatic journey, to Mengzi (孟子)’s 'love for things, animals and the environment’ (“仁民而爱物”), to Zhu Xi (朱熹)’s 'everything in the world used to be in unity’ ('天地万物本吾一体’), traditional Chinese philosophy is full of the wisdom of accepting the alterity of the 'other’ and striving for 'harmony in diversity’. 
Finally, I would like to quote what Chinese painter Zheng Banqiao (郑板桥), who is famous for painting bamboos, said about keeping birds in cages, 'If I keep birds in cages because of my own desire and for my own entertainment, how is that even a legitimate reason? Do we have to change the 'other’ to meet the desire of ourselves?’ Indeed, true aesthetic experiences do not come from the successful conquering of the 'other’, but arise from distancing the 'other’ from our own desire and accepting the alterity of the 'other’.  

[1] Lacan distinguishes between 'the other’ and 'the Other’, which I won’t elaborate here. 

Finally, let's put into a list of the books mentioned by our 7 readers:

Hermione shared 分享了
Letters of Note
Edited by Shaun Usher
(暂无中译本,but it has a website 但有同名网站:

Victor shared 分享了
Frank Herbert's Dune
(有中译本 《沙丘》)

Rock shared 分享了

Alice shared 分享了
Colin Tudge's The Secret Life of Trees

VV shared 分享了
(This book has an English version: Xiang biao's Transcending Boundaries. Zhejiangcun: The Story of a Migrant Village in Beijing)

短章分享了 Dr. Zhao shared
Doreen Massey's For Space
(暂无中译本,同时还有一篇 A Global Sense of Place的文章值得看)

小廖分享了 Xiaoliao shared
David Ross Fryer's Intervention of the other
(暂无英译本,但作者有本英文专著 Insights into Chinese Culture)

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