This contributors of this post are human beings who find the beauty and pass the love to the world.与之前节气系列推送不同,这次题图没有标识城市,截取自: Differeent from previous posts of solar terms, I did not use ppt to add locations, the map source: https://map.小满作为第八个节气,原含义是夏熟作物的籽粒开始灌浆饱满,但还未成熟,只是小满,还未大满。其寓意是农民从庄稼的小满里憧憬着夏收的殷实。这次小满节气正好还是在谐音“我爱你”的520这一天。所以今天是双倍特殊的一天。感谢通过GEO分享生活中美好瞬间的各位,你们的爱我都收到了,相信许多用心看的读者也都收到啦~Xiǎomǎn as the 8th solar term, means that the grain which will mature in summer are now starting to get fullness, but not yet there to have the fullness. It means that farmers can expect for the summer harvest from now.This time the traditional solar term also meet the romantic day 520. If you can speak mandarin, you would probably know the pronunication of the three numbers souds like I love you. So thanks to everyone willing to share the beautiful moments in your life today, your love is well received and I believe that readers who read with their hearts can also feel this. Let's expect for the summer harvest and look forward to love ❤️ Following the tradition to go from north to south(and the same place goes with the time)London 伦敦 51.5074° N, 0.1278° WToronto 多伦多 43.6532° N,79.3832° W北京 Beijing 39.9042° N, 116.4074° E上海 Shanghai 31.2304° N, 121.4737° E湖北 孝感 Xiaogan 30.9178° N, 113.9570° E浙江 杭州 Hangzhou 30.2741° N, 120.1551° E浙江 衢州 Quzhou 28.9701° N, 118.8595° E 广东 深圳 Shenzhen 22.5431° N, 114.0579° E广东 中山 Zhongshan 22.5176° N, 113.3928° ELondon 伦敦 51.5074° N, 0.1278° WToo many sad and frustrating things to sighstill excited to notice the seeds growing Hope time can fast forward or just pauseI can only change my perspective to see Next second it starts to rub the handsToronto 多伦多 43.6532° N,79.3832° W小区中间这个圆锥子说是下雨的时候用来测水位的,也不知道是真是假Again, here is the blooming season for Ranunculus japonicus and Paeonia albiflora, summer is on its wayThe cone in the middle of the residential area is said to measure the water level, yet I am not very sure about it北京 Beijing 39.9042° N, 116.4074° E阳光很“满”,绿色也很“满”,湖面像镜子,眼前有两个13号线轻轨站。The sunshine is 'full', the picture is 'full' of greeness, the lake is like a mirror to show two stations of No.13 lightrail line.上海 Shanghai 31.2304° N, 121.4737° EScreenshot from my mum's short video for me Everyday she tells me about the lunch she hasTomato-egg soup, seasonal veg and mushrooms湖北 孝感 Xiaogan 30.9178° N, 113.9570° E今天是个很棒的日子,起了个大早去郊区拍小满。小满有三候,一候苦菜秀,二候靡草死,三候麦秋至。说的是在小满节气中,苦菜已经枝叶繁茂,而喜阴的一些草类在强烈的阳光下开始枯死,然后麦子开始成熟。拍到了苦菜和枯黄的车前草,麦子没拍到,北方比较多,就拿南方水田里的秧苗来表达吧。南方地区农谚说:“小满不满,干断思坎”,把“满”用来形容雨水的盈缺,即小满时田里如果蓄不满水,就可能造成田坎干裂,无法栽插水稻。It is too difficult for Hermione to translate, what he talks is about the yellow grass, green vegetable and the growing rice in the same day but in different status.浙江 杭州 Hangzhou 30.2741° N, 120.1551° EIt may not know how to love me, but no matter how late I stay up, it keeps me company.浙江 衢州 Quzhou 28.9701° N, 118.8595° EFrom fruit to ✂️, can you still recognise me?广东 深圳 Shenzhen 22.5431° N, 114.0579° E©️慌慌就算深圳今天大雨+工作日,也不能阻止我和先生去约会,因为今天小满+520=满幸福,给生活一点仪式感❤️图片的“套五面”,5种面食+10种配料,任君搭配,味道很不错(*๓´╰╯`๓)♡Despite of the heavy rain and workday, my partner and I still went out for a date. Because "xiaoman" plus "520" is equal to full of happiness, we want to live with some ritual feeling ❤️ The five noodles with 10 plates of sides can be combined in any way you like, very tasty (*๓´╰╯`๓)♡广东 中山 Zhongshan 22.5176° N, 113.3928° E去年的芒果自由实现了。现在希望工作时三餐按时、健康且自由。从饭堂逐渐转移到厨房。Last year I achieved freedom of having mango. Now I hope that I can have three meals at regular times in a healthy and free way. Moving from the canteen to the kitchen.