
Ⅷ. 书面表达 (15 分)(2021.6.17 百校联考)

 新用户9912OVTE 2021-06-17

Ⅷ. 书面表达 (15 分)(2021.6.17 百校联考)

91.央视播出的五四青年节宣传片“后浪”中说:“青春,是心里有火,眼里有光,我们这一代人的想象力,不足以想想你们的未来!”青春路上,你对未来职业的憧憬是什么?请你以“I want to be a/an           "

  1. What is your dream job ?

  2. Where are you going to work ?

  3. Which motto (座右铭)encourages you most ?

  4. Why do you like this job ?

  5. How will you get your future dream job ?






One possible version:

                                 I want to be a doctor

     People have different dreams in their life.I have one in my


     I dream to be a doctor in a big hospital when growing up.The

reason why I choose to be a doctor as my dream job is that

doctors are the people who can help millions of patients out of

diseases and pains.So I want to be one of them.I'll make my effort to realize my dream.Not only will I try my best to go to a

good medical college,but also I will do a volunteer job in the

medical center.

     I will fight for my dream job and I always keep the motto in

my mind, “Nothing is impossible with a willing heart”.

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