
Ted青少年演讲课 7

 周沭罕Stella 2021-06-26

上一节课中,我们了解到“Kids Against Plastic”这个项目,原来是由来自英国的Meek姐妹Amy(16岁),Ella(14岁)发起的。

Ted青少年演讲课 1
Ted青少年演讲课 2
Ted青少年演讲课 4
Ted青少年演讲课 6


Part 1 演 讲 视 频

Pre-watching 带着问题听演讲

 Why do Amy and Ella take action to prevent 

this growing issue from growing any more?



Part 2 重 点 解 析

  • Key Points 演讲重点

Key Points 演讲重点

Shocked and saddened by the sickening images, like these, of animals and birds dying from ingested plastic, we set out to pick up 100,000 pieces of the big four.

因摄入塑料而垂死的动物和鸟类图像,令人心悸,我们感到震惊和悲伤,于是,我们决定要捡十万件四大污染源。(这里的big four指的是之前演讲中提到的the big four polluters,即四大污染源)

  • sadden  /ˈsæd.ən/

     (vt.) to make someone sad 使悲伤,使难过,使伤心

    文中shocked,saddened用的是被动语态,省略了we are, 完整的句子是We are shocked and saddened by...我们被……震惊了、伤心了

    It saddens me to think that we'll never see her again.想到我们再也见不到她了,我非常伤心。

  • sickening /ˈsɪk.ən.ɪŋ/

    (adj.) 令人难受的;令人震惊的;令人愤怒的

    The slaves were treated with sickening cruelty.奴隶们受到了令人发指的虐待。

  • dying  /ˈdaɪ.ɪŋ/

    (adj.) 将死的,奄奄一息的,病入膏肓的

    这里的dying是动词die的现在分词形式,die from, 死于(疾病)

  • ingeste /ɪnˈdʒest/

    (vt.) 摄取,咽下(食物)

    The chemicals can be poisonous if ingested.这些化学制品如果摄入体内可能会引起中毒。

Key Points 演讲重点

We're seeing more and more images like these, almost on a daily basis, and hearing news of whales found dead with stomachs full of plastic, warnings of the millions of micro fibers we washed down our sinks, and evidence of a plastic blight that is dominating our lives and choking our planet.


  • 段落分析

    这一段有两层结构,第一层是We're seeing ..., and hearing news of ... 我们正在目睹和听闻……, 第二层结构是hearing news of 关于……的新闻,有dead whales, warnings, evidence。

  • basis /ˈbeɪ.sɪs/


    on a daily basis 以每天的方式

    Most of our staff work for us on a voluntary basis (= they work without being paid).我们的员工大多数是志愿为我们工作的。

  • stomach   /ˈstʌm.ək/

    (n.)  胃;肚子,腹部


    He was punched in the stomach.他肚子上挨了一拳。

  • million /ˈmɪl.jən/

    (number) (数字)100万
    The city has a population of almost a/one million.这座城市的人口几乎有一百万。

  • micro fiber /ˈmaɪ.krəʊˌfaɪ.bər/

    (n.) 微纤维,微塑料



  • sink /sɪŋk/


    a bathroom/kitchen sink浴室/厨房洗涤池

    evidence  /ˈev.ɪ.dəns/

    (n.) 证据;证明

    evidence of ... ……的证据

    The police have found no evidence of a terrorist link with the murder.警方没有发现任何证据证明这起谋杀案和恐怖分子有关。

    blight /blaɪt/

    (n.) a disease that damages and kills plants(植物的)枯萎病,疫病

    dominate /ˈdɒm.ɪ.neɪt/

    (v.) 在…中占首要地位;拥有优势;最明显的

    The dispute is likely to dominate the news. 这场纠纷很可能成为新闻报道的焦点。

    choke /tʃəʊk/

    (v.) 使)窒息;(使)哽噎;(使)呼吸困难

    She choked to death on a fish bone. 她被鱼刺卡住后窒息而亡。

Key Points 演讲重点

With the global impact of plastic pollution so devastating and real, we think that those in power, our decision makersought to be scrambling around with great urgency to try and prevent this growing issue from growing any more.


  • impact /ˈɪm.pækt/


    make/have an impact on sb. 给某人造成影响The anti-smoking campaign had had/made quite an impact on young people. 禁烟运动对年轻人影响很大。

  • devastating  /ˈdev.ə.steɪ.tɪŋ/

    (adj.) 毁灭性的,破坏性极大的

    The drought has had devastating consequences/effects.干旱造成了极其严重的后果。

  • power /paʊər/

    (n.) 权力;政权

    in power 掌权者

    How long has the Conservative Party been in power?保守党当政多久了?

  • decision /dɪˈsɪʒ.ən/

    (n.) 决定;决策;选择

    decision makers 决策者

    She has had to make some very difficult decisions. 她必须作出某些非常艰难的决定。

  • scramble /ˈskræm.bəl/

    (v.) (急速而艰难地)移动;爬;攀登

    scramble around这里指的是当权者、决策者应当迅速行动起来。

    She scrambled up the steep hillside and over the rocks.她爬上了陡峭的山坡,翻过岩石

  • urgency /ˈɜː.dʒən.si/

    (n.) 急迫性

    It now is a matter of urgency that aid reaches the famine area. 现在急需援助到达饥荒地区。

  •  prevent  /prɪˈvent/

    (vt.) 阻止、避免

    prevent sb from doing sth

    His disability prevents him (from) driving. 他的残疾使他无法开车。

  • issue /ˈɪʃ.uː/

    (n.) 问题;议题

    environmental/ethical/personal issues环境/道德/个人问题

    make an issue of sth 对…小题大作;为…争论

    Of course I'll help you, there's no need to make an issue of it.我当然会帮你,没必要把这一点小题大作。

Part 3 句 子 演 练

Sentence Practice 句子演练

The UN makes it clear that everyone needs to take action to help solve these global problems.


What have you done to reduce the plastic pollution?为了减少塑料污染,你做过什么?

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