想要获得口语高分,Part3的发挥在能否冲击高分上起到了关键作用。 而Part3的难点在于,很多问题都非常抽象,烤鸭们即使用中文都不一定能回答。 而这类题目难度和雅思写作类似,故本栏目结合了口写题目,一并积累提升。 雅思口语Part3 本季雅思口语经历类新题有一道是讲健康的: Describe an article you read from the internet about health lifestyle 那针对于这道Part2衍生出的Part3问题,鸭先知收集到了一些高频题目: - What can people do to become much healthier? - Will people exercise more and eat healthier in the future? - How can government improve people health? - Why people are unhealthy nowadays? - Do you think they choose the lifestyle by themselves? 几乎所有Part3健康类的话题,问的都是几大模块: 什么样的是健康的生活方式? 为什么不健康? 如何改变? 我们现在可以具体来看看健康类可以如何展开。 健康类观点积累 结合健康类逃不开会谈的内容,鸭先知总结了以下的分类和拓展,可以作为答案的细节填充内容。 那我们来针对这些拓展点,做一些素材补充: 👉健康与否的表现 confident;positive attitude 自信;积极的态度 deeply/extremely depressed 非常沮丧 in a repressive 在压抑的状态中 send sb. into the depths of despair 陷入绝望 feel out of sorts 身体不舒服/心情不好 full of energy 充满活力 keep in shape 保持健康 👉不健康的原因 fierce competition激烈的竞争 fast path of life 快速的生活节奏 junk food 垃圾食品 obesity and a sedentary lifestyle肥胖和久坐的生活方式 environmental pollution环境污染 air and noise pollution空气和噪音污染 waste too much time on electronic products 过度使用电子产品 👉改进方式 burn off the pounds减脂 regular schedule for sleeping规律的作息 give up drinking and smoking戒烟戒酒 nutritionally balanced meals营养均衡的膳食 strike a balance between work and rest劳逸结合 strengthening the consciousness of keeping healthy强化健康意识 口语写作考题应用 health相关的话题不仅仅是出现在雅思口语Part2-3当中,在雅思写作也经常会涉及,下图给大家列举了一些涉及到health的真实考题。 结合上面跟大家总结的健康的几类话题,大家就可以用对应图标的内容要点来回答上面这些题目,同样也可以用作写作考题当中的论点。 以下是一些口语健康类Part3的回答参考: 问:What can people do to become much healthier? According to my experience, there’s no quick-fix solution to adopting a healthy lifestyle. It’s important to implementsmall steps and keep up with them consistently, for example, eating nutritious foods, exercising consistently, findingpeace of mind and getting plenty of rest. 问:Why do Chinese students feel stressful? I think students in every country are stressful. They have to face the stress from their parents, their peers and theirteachers. While, Chinese students are extremely stressful especially before they pass the college entranceexamination, which would decide the university, the major and even their life in the future. 问:How can government improve people health? The government could provide more fitness equipment in public parks where people could exercise in their sparetime. Besides, the government could make some TV programs to preach the benefits of healthy lifestyle and showpeople how to keep health. 看完这期推文是不是觉得干货满满呢 支持鸭先知继续原创素材 记得随手点赞、关注、转发哦! 5-8月【Part1-3的完整题库+高分素材】PDF 关注公众号 回复关键词“口语” 可以获得领取方式~ |