
6.2 西来说,北来说? 《忽然》连载未完

 苏三客厅 2021-07-26

6.2 西来说,北来说? 

6.2 From the West or from the North? 

应该说,民国时期建立起来的西来说体系本身也有致命伤,所以才会被轻易推翻。另外,当时人们的认知有历史局限问题。今天依靠高科技,我们可以看 到更多的研究成果,问题就不同了。 随着科技发展理念理论被更新是很正常的事情。

Objectively, there is something wrong with the old theory of western origin.  

( Sites of the Neolithic Age )  

旧的“西来说”一般认为中国受外来文明影响是点对点式的,比如有西亚说, 跟西亚有关就不提其他地方了;还有埃及说也是如此。我认为,中国文明的单点 对应都不正确。正确的应该是:混沌说,或多源影响说。中国文明在不同时期受到的是不同的外来影响。其实所有的文化都是如此,都是混沌而成。 

The most obvious problem with the old theory is that it is too simplified. It generally believes that the influence between China and the west is unidirectional, say influence from West Asia, influence from Egypt and so on. In actual fact, these beliefs do not hold at all. The assumption about the single-directional source of Chinese civilization is incorrect and the right and proper model should be built on chaotic or multiple sources of impact. That is to say, Chinese civilization used to be influenced by different western civilizations at different times as with, all the global civilizations that used to take shape in such a way.  

另外,“西来说”还有一个致命伤:中国文明的主体,严格来说不是如以往 人们想象的那样是主要由闪族构成的“西来说”,而是可能由印欧人传播的“北来 说”。中华民族传说中的祖先黄帝就是从北方草原南下而来的。具体到文明起源 阶段,中国更多接受的就是北方俄罗斯方向而来的影响,当然他们也是在西边, 但人们往往把注意力放在西亚埃及,而忽略了俄罗斯方向的影响,所以就搞错了 主方向。这实际上也是由于气候造成的结果,因为,6000 年前的人类文明在大 约 50°以上的高纬度亚欧草原有很高的成就,但之后气温突降,导致人类南下, 而中国文明的起源在 3000 多年前。  


( 基因研究揭示了新疆的红发木乃伊的来处或交流路线 / DNA reveals these red-haired Chinese mummies come from Europe and Asia.---by Kristina Kilgrove)    

Another problem of “the western origin” is that the mainstream of Chinese civilization was not only from west but also from the north, or to be exact, it was mainly from the Eurasian Steppe because of  the climate changing. 


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