

 新用户1882ga2h 2021-08-18

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本次文献选自Masocatto NO, Da-Matta T, Prozzo TG, Couto WJ, Porfirio G. Thoracic outlet syndrome: a narrative review. Síndrome do desfiladeiro torácico: uma revisão narrativa. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2019;46(5):e20192243. Published 2019 Dec 20. 本次学习由王珺楠副主任医师主讲。

Surgical Management
Although 60–70% of nTOS cases can be improved with conservative management, some patients still require decompressive surgery. Surgical management of TOS is typically considered after the patient has failed a trial of 4–6 weeks of conservative therapy and presents with worsening symptoms. As mentioned above, refractory cases of vTOS and aTOS also always require surgical management as a majority of cases are due to structural abnormalities with resultant subclavian artery stenosis with or without mural thrombus. More than half of patients with refractory nTOS and aTOS can be relieved by complete first rib resection and anterior scalenectomy (FRRS). The first rib is classically removed via either a transaxillary, supraclavicular, or infraclavicular approach. Although each approach has produced positive outcomes, the transaxillary approach is preferred to the clavicular counterparts in the setting of nTOS due to its rapid and easy exposure of the compressed structures, reducing the risk of injury. However, the supraclavicular approach is more advantageous in the setting of aTOS, as it allows for easier resection of the first rib, cervical ribs, and other fibromuscular structures which may be compromising the subclavian artery. Additionally, the subclavian artery is often compromised by extensive arterial injury or stenosis in aTOS, and an important advantage of the supraclavicular approach is the ability to address surgically indicated procedures on the subclavian artery. Surgical resections are usually very effective, with significant improvement found in approximately 90% of patients. Surgical patients also reported experiencing greater average levels of improvement than those who only underwent conservative therapy.


aTOS is commonly attributed to bony abnormalities such as the presence of a large cervical rib, which may fuse with the first rib and cause subclavian artery compression, resulting in subsequent thrombosis, embolism, and vascular compromise. Surgical management of aTOS consists of three general steps: Firstly, the source of arterial compression is removed. Although FRRS is most commonly performed, it is currently unclear as to whether first rib resection or scalenectomy is more vital for effective aTOS treatment. The first rib is often removed to prevent aTOS recurrence as it is a common fibromuscular anchor point, many of which cause compression of the subclavian artery. However, some authors argue that scalenectomy alone produces similar results utilizing a less invasive procedure, with a lower risk of injury, morbidity, and improved patient recovery times. The superiority of either approach remains unclear, and a majority of aTOS patients do well post-FRRS. The second step of aTOS management involves inspection of the subclavian artery for damage due to arterial degeneration, dilation, or aneurysm. If compromised, the artery is repaired with a saphenous vein graft, synthetic prosthesis, or bypass grafting. The final consideration in aTOS management involves blood flow restoration in the form of vascular reconstruction. Patients may also require additional embolectomy in concert with vascular reconstruction if there is distal embolization .


Current first-line treatment in acute vTOS include thrombolytic therapy and early decompression with FRRS and subclavius tendon division. Following initial treatment, venography is often used to evaluate the need for venoplasty. Interestingly, recent studies have suggested that thrombolytic therapy may not reduce the likelihood that a patient will require venoplasty, and thus may not be effective in first-line treatment of vTOS. Surgical decompression is also indicated in patients presenting with chronic vTOS, along with preoperative thrombolysis and postoperative anticoagulation to maintain venous patency. Occasionally, vTOS patients will also present with symptoms of intermittent obstruction without accompanying occlusion of the subclavian vein and only require surgical decompression. Rib resections carry an inherent risk of neurovascular injury due to poor visualization and incomplete resection. The use of robotically assisted endoscopic cameras allows for improved visualization of the first rib and the neurovascular bundle, although it is unclear whether this procedure is correlated with stronger symptomatic and postoperative outcomes. Other studies have discussed the advantages of minimally invasive surgical approaches to symptomatic TOS; robotically assisted transthoracic cervical rib resections are associated with improved postoperative wound healing, decreased neurologic complications, and cosmetically favorable scar formation.


TOS stems from compression of the neurovasculature in the thoracic outlet and can be subdivided into nTOS, vTOS, and aTOS based on the relevant compromised structures and corresponding clinical presentations. The most common cause of TOS is neck trauma, which can arise due to whiplash injuries sustained during a motor vehicle collision. Other populations with increased risk of TOS include athletes who frequently perform overhead movements, patients with tumors or cysts surrounding the thoracic outlet, and those born with anatomic variations such as a cervical or anomalous first ribs. Diagnostic criteria for TOS remain controversial, and a thorough history combined with subsequent provocative maneuvers, radiographic imaging, and vascular studies are helpful in elucidating TOS and rule out other differential diagnoses. Early recognition and appropriate treatment are paramount for patient recovery, although this is often difficult due to nonspecific symptoms at initial presentation. First-line therapy is conservative, and most often consists of a combination of physical therapy and pharmacological management. Injection therapy may also be considered if symptoms are due to muscular compression. Surgical intervention is considered only after the patient has failed conservative therapy, although it may be considered earlier if patients present with worsening aTOS or vTOS.


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