

 四方斋文坊 2021-08-29

 Hello ladies and gentlemen,I am Emma,a twelve-year-old girl. I study in a middle school.

    Reading is a part in my life.In my opinion,it is very important. I can't go out without a book. Last year,I read a very exciting book,it almost made me crazy! That book is 《Harry Potter》.I admire Hermione Granger, her diligent and brave.She is my learning motivation.

    I love sports, too. Swimming is my favorite. I was afraid of very cold water when I was a little girl. But now I am not . So I went to some lake to play .

    Music is a magical thing. It can makes me happy when I am sad; It can makes me relax when I am exhausted. I can play the piano,I always play it if my homework is very hard.

     I love my classmates and my teacher .We are a big family. We help each other, learn together, play together······this is me! A lovely girl.


  读书是我生活中的一部分,我认为它很重要。如果我没有书的陪伴我无法出门。去年,我读了一本很令人兴奋的书,它几乎令我疯狂!这本书就是 哈利波特。我敬佩里面的赫敏格兰杰,她很勤奋、勇敢,她是我学习的动力。




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