有些人比较啰嗦,凡事都喜欢长篇大论,这时我们就会希望他们能“长话短说”。那么问题来了,“长话短说”用英语该怎么说呢? 正确的表达是:
It is an expression indicating that one is skipping extraneous or unnecessary details and getting to the point. My friend introduced me to her at a party a year ago, and long story short, we're moving in together next month. 一年前,在一次聚会上我朋友把我介绍给了她,长话短说,我们下个月就要搬到一起住了。 Long story short, you're fired. -What's R.J. got going on in New York? -Well, we wanted him to go to college for business, but he wants to do his music. So, long story short, he's going to Juilliard for piano. -我们想让他读商科,但他想玩音乐。所以,长话短说,他要去茱莉亚音乐学院学钢琴了。如果事情没法长话短说,我们会说一句:“说来话长”。这个表达用英语又该怎么说呢? -Why was Sheldon knocking on your door at midnight? -Well, it's a long story. 和“长话短说”相近的,那就是“开门见山”了,用英语来讲就是:I didn't have long time to talk, so I cut to the chase and asked whether she was married. 关于“长话短说”的地道说法 你记住了吗? 全部掌握的同学 可以在评论区打个“1”哦~