
Sean Lennon《Parachute》

 E7音乐 2021-09-22


Everyday music




—— [美] 特德·姜《降临》


歌者Sean Lennon

词曲Sean Lennon




Love is like an aero plane

You jump and then you pray

The lucky ones remain

In the clouds for days

If life is just a stage

Let's put on the best show

And let everyone know


Cause if I have to die tonight

I'd rather be with you

Cut the parachute before the dive

Baby don't you cry

You have to bring me down

We had some fun before we hit the ground

Love is like a hurricane

You know it's on the way

You think you can be brave

Underneath the waves

If life is just a dream

Which of us is dreaming

And who will wake up screaming

Cause if I have to die tonight

I'd rather be with you

Cut the parachute before the dive

Baby don't you cry

You have to bring me down

We had some fun before we hit the ground

Cause if I have to die tonight

I'd rather be with you

Cut the parachute before the dive

Baby don't you cry

You have to bring me down

We had some fun before we hit the ground

Cause if I have to die tonight

I'd rather it was you

Cut the parachute before the dive

Baby don't you cry

You have to bring me down

We had some fun before we hit the ground



今天分享一首Sean Lennon的《Parachute》。

今天这首歌来自名门之后Sean Lennon——翰列侬的儿子。这首歌来自他的2006年的第二张专辑《Friendly Fire》,距离他的第一张专辑1998年的《Into the Sun》过去了八年时间。通常来说歌手发专辑不会间隔太长,以免损害自己的影响力,不利于赚钱。但 Sean Lennon完全没有这个顾虑,也许因为他的父亲是大名鼎鼎的披头士乐队的约翰列侬,母亲是小野洋子。这八年期间,他完全消失在名流圈,如果不是后来有了这张专辑大家都不知道他去干嘛了。这是一张没有压迫感的专辑,由慵懒且有层次的原声吉他,隐约的巴洛克键盘,有呼吸的和声等构成。


Sean Lennon于 1975 年 10 月 9 日出生在纽约,正好是他父亲 35 岁生日的那一天。在他出生后,约翰列侬几乎全职照顾他,直到1980年他被枪杀。1997年,Sean Lennon(与IMA成员Timo Ellis一起)加入了总部位于纽约的日本组合Cibo Matto(鸠森美穗和本田优香)的第二张EP《Super Relax》。通过与Cibo Matto的合作,Beastie Boys(野兽男孩)的Adam Yauch找到了他,并表示对他的音乐充满了兴趣。1998年,列侬的首张个人专辑《Into the Sun》由野兽男孩的唱片公司Grand Royal Records发行。

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