

 露西小栈 2021-10-11





Section 2重现


 Test 5 Section 2的内容



Part 2

As a frequent moviegoer, I watch a multitude of films. One of the movies I’m much into is “La La Land”, an American musical film. It is directed by Damien Chazelle based on a love story happened in the city of Los Angeles. I watched this movie in the theatre and  I still want to watch it again.

useful words & expressions:

moviegoer 常看电影的人

be much into 非常喜欢...

The premise of the story is that Emma Stone is a young actress who goes to casting calls where those auditioning look the same, while Gosling is a jazz purist who plays the piano in bars to make a living and dreams of opening his own Jazz bar. So this movie is about two young artists meet and fall in love while chasing their dreams. 

useful words & expressions:

premise 前提

casting calls 试镜

audition 试镜

a jazz purist 一个对爵士乐有着近乎洁癖的追求者

This movie got me burst into tears when I watched it. Not only was the story itself so impressive but also the actor and actress outperformed the ordinary. This movie is also a beautiful love letter for people who want to achieve their dreams and fight for it everyday even when they feel like giving up sometimes. 

useful words & expressions:

to outperform the ordinary (形容演技)超凡

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