
三肽-9瓜氨酸Tripeptide-9 citrulline的护肤应用

 昵称67733089 2021-10-12

INCI名称: Tripeptide-9 citrulline

参考名称: dGlyage

Cas No: 951775-32-9


Tripeptide-9 Citrulline (INCI name) is a peptide with skin care properties, used for cosmetic applications. In order to elucidate its mechanism of action in the chemical pathways that involve metal ions, its ability to complex such ions was investigated using spectrophotometrical, electrochemical and electrophoretical techniques. The obtained results using Cu(II) as metal ion were consistent with the formation of a complex between Tripeptide-9 Citrulline andCu(II). Cyclic voltammetry revealed a significant changein the electrochemical potentials. In-vitro electrophoretic studies served as a proof of concept that Tripeptide-9 Citrullinemay protect DNA from radical degradation induced by the Fenton reaction.



Tripeptide-9 citrulline prevents DNA structure changes triggered by transition metals.It chelates such ion metals that catalyse different reaction producing several DNA lesions.Miscrofluidised liposomes with diminished particle size contain the tetrapeptide,thus delivery to the skin is enchanced.

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