幸福并不取决于外界的因素, 而仅仅取决于你内在的状态。 先认识自己而后认识世界, 做一个纯粹的自己, 就像路边的花朵一样, 迎着风雨,尽情绽放。 Happiness does not depend on external factors, it just depends on your internal state. Know yourself before you know the world,
be a pure self,
like flowers by the side of the road,
facing the wind and rain, bloom heartily. 朴实无华, 生命的本色无非如此。 朴实到你看不见, 无华到你看不起。 Plain and simple, this is what life is all about. So simple that you can't see, you look down on it. 千变万化的背后, 有一个始作俑者。 看清它,认识它, 别被造出来的万花筒蒙蔽了。 Behind the kaleidoscope, there is one culprit. See it, know it, don't be fooled by the kaleidoscope of fabrication. 你不需要成为书本里的那个人, 你不需要成为电影里的人, 你不需要成为电视剧里的人, 你要成为的就是你自己。 You don't have to be the person in the book, you don't have to be in a movie, you don't have to be on a TV show, you have to be who you are. 练习承担, 练习与自己在一起, 唯有这份承担才能让我们做自己的主人。 Practice taking on, practice being with yourself, this commitment is the only thing that makes us masters of ourselves. 你就是一个生命, 一个生命的本来, 所有的认知, 只要看透了就出来了。 没有走不出来的人, 只是你愿不愿意走出来而已。 You are a life, the origin of a life, all the cognition, as long as you see through it. There is no one who can't get out, it's just whether you want to step out of it. 在心里,一遍遍品尝生命的酸甜苦辣; 在心里,一遍遍欣赏旅途的风雨坎坷; 在心里,一遍遍将所有的爱恨情仇蕴化升腾; 然后,安于心,归于心。 外面,无人、无事、无物, 与心为伴、为友、为师。 此生,一事足矣。 In the heart, taste the life of the sour, sweet, bitter and spicy again and again; in the heart, experience the ups and downs of the journey again and again; in the heart, sublimate your soul though the love and the hatred again and again; then, your heart will settled. Nothing outside your heart, accompany with your heart, treat it as your partner, friend, teacher. It is the only thing in the world. 让水中的鱼 让林中的鸟 让空中的风 让树上的蝉 让那些经历 让那些发生 唤醒我们尘封的心 《觉历》