
古诗英译:和张仆射塞下曲·其三(唐 · 卢纶)月黑雁飞高

 昵称77686253 2021-11-12
古诗英译:和张仆射塞下曲·其三(唐 · 卢纶)

An Immediate Pursuit

A moonless sky menaces a darkest night.
Warning wild geese soar in a startled flight.

Preying on this given opportunity, 
our beseiged enemy,
maneuvers an unsuspected retreat.

Summoned at a resolute command,
assemble in no time our cavalrymen,
lightly-armed and ready for a whirlwind hunt.

A sudden heavy snow falls.
In a blink of the eye,it builds up on their bore bows and swords.




1) “译”诗最初“形态”

A darkest time in a moonless night,
startled wild geese in a startled flight.

It was our beseiged enemy,
stealing such an opportunity,
maneuveuring an unsuspected retreat.

An urgent order took no time to have arrive.
A light cavalery must chase in no time.

In no time and unexpected snow stoid on their carried swords and bows.


2) 二稿

A darkest night with a moonless sky,
startled wild geese soared in a flight.


Preying on this given opportunity, 
was our beseiged enemy,
maneuvering an unsuspected retreat.

An urgent order assembled a light cavalry,
for an immediate pursuit

In no time and unexpected snow stood on their carried swords and bows.

3) urgent synonym =resolute

4) pursuit synonym = hunt

5) order synonym = command

6) threaten synonym= menace

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