A schematic is a drawn-to-scale representation of the finished piece of a garment that frequently accompanies knitting instructions. 示意图是对衣服完成的织片按比例的一种展示,通常伴随编织指示(图解)出现。 The actual measurements of the finished garment are usually shown on a diagram of the major garment pieces. 成品衣物的尺寸通常用衣物主要部分的示意图表现出来。 Even a garment with a very simple shape—e.g.,a square,rectangle,or circle—or a very standard shape—e.g.,a sock,a fitted beanie-style hat,or a fingerless mitten—may have a schematic showing the shape or size. 就算衣物形状非常简单—例如正方形,长方形,或者圆形—或者是非常标准的形状—例如,短袜,合适的无檐的帽子,或无指手套—也会有示意图表现形状或尺寸。 服装设计中,会有设计图,效果图,款式图,结构图等,编织的衣物也一样。设计师最初会画概念图,成品出来会有完成的实物照片,多角度展示效果,引起你的兴趣。会有结构编织示意图,协助你理解尺寸和编织过程。 Although the format of schematics may vary depending on their source,all have diagrams corresponding to each piece you'll be knitting,such as front,back,and sleeves of a sweater. 虽然由于来源不同,示意图会有变化,对应你将编织的每一个衣片,例如毛衣的前片,后片及袖子都会有相应的图示。 The above are typical schematics for a sweater that is knit flat in pieces and is assembled by seaming. 上面的示意图显示了一件典型的平面片织,然后缝合装配的毛衣。 The schematic drawing on the left shows the entire back piece of a cardigan. 左边的示意图显示一件开衫的整个后片。 The numbers along the side indicate the measurement of each section between the dots. 沿着侧边的数字表明点之间的每个部分的尺寸。 The schematic in the middle shows the right front piece of the cardigen with the numbers along the side representing incremental measurements beginining at the lower edge to the dots. 中间的示意图显示开衫的右前片,沿侧边的数字显示从底边开始到这个点的增量尺寸。 The schematic above represents a sweater knit in round. 上图显示一件圈织的毛衣。 The dashed lines show the outline of the garment,but they indicate that there is no seam. 虚线显示衣服的轮廓,但是它们提示(衣服)不需缝合。 The curved arrows at the neck,wrist,and bottom show that this is a circular sweater and numbers are total measure for the circle piece. 领口、手腕及底边有箭头的曲线表明这是件圈织的毛衣,数字标示圈织位置的整体尺寸。 Other sweaters may be knit in one piece,and the schematic for such a garment will indicate that. 其他的毛衣可能为一片式编织,示意图会标示出来。 In the schematic above,the body of the garment is knit starting at the left sleeve. 在上面的示意图里,毛衣的主体起始于左边袖子。 结构图可以让你更直观了解如何编织。各部分的比例大小尺寸等信息。 另外可以按照结构图的尺寸对衣服进行最后的定型。 |