
英语习语:并不是所有的 in order to do sth 都表示目的,因此不能生搬硬套

 外语行天下 2021-11-17
动词不定式的语法功能之强大是大家有目共睹的,其中一个语法功能是作状语,通常是作原因、目的或结果状语,其中 in order to 用来表示目的,此时它与 so as to 的区别常常困扰了不少人。

其实 in order to do sth 和 so as to do sth 的区别很简单,前者只用来表示目的,可以置于句首或句尾,而后者可以表示目的或结果,常置于句尾,不可置于句首,它们都意为“目的是;以便;为了”,例如:

句尾:I'm going to Ireland in order to visit my family.

句首:In order to play the game, we must have two computers.

目的:I went to the post office so as to buy some stamps.

结果:He's scared of watching TV so as to wake up his children.
In order to do sth 表示目的时,通常与 know,appear,seem 或 understand 等静态动词连用,有时可以改成对应的 in order that 引导的目的状语从句,其本质是表示目的的不定式的主语是句子的主语,而 in order that 从句中的主语也必须是主句的主语,例如:

I'm going to Ireland in order to visit my family.
I'm going to Ireland in order that I can visit my family.

第一句中的不定式 to visit my family 的主语是句子的主语 I,第二句中从句的主语也是 I,因此此时的 in order to 可以改写成对应的 in order that 接从句,但是此时第二句显得有点啰嗦或冗长。

当表示目的的句子中存在两个主语时,此时用 in order that 接从句来表示目的,相当于 in order for sb/sth that,其中的 sb/sth 是从句的主语,而用不了 in order to,例如:

We only married in order that the child should be legitimate. 
We only married in order for the child to be legitimate. 

此复合句中主从句的主语分别是 we 和 the child,它们不一样,此时用 in order that,而用不了 in order to;又如:

In order for you to pass the class, you'll need to get an A on all remaining quizzes and exams.
In order that you pass the class, you'll need to get an A on all remaining quizzes and exams.

然而,并不是所有的  in order to 都是用来表示目的的,有的时候 in order (to do sth) 有其他的意思,此时意为“符合议事规则”等,这种用法虽鲜为人知,但是结构跟表目的的 in order to 类似,例如:

Is it in order to vote now?

Non-members are not in order to speak.

此时 in order to speak 不表目的,那么如何区分 in order to 是表示目的还是其他意思呢?最简单的办法是把 in order to 部分移至句首,如果句子意思或结构没变的话,那么就 in order to 就是用来表示目的;很明显以上两个例句中的 in order to 不是表目的的,因此移动 in order to 部分后,剩下的部分句子的结构或意思不完整。


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